I Hit 500+

Thanks to all of you, “A Jeanne in the Kitchen” has hit the 500+ mark of followers.  WHOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOO!!!!  I know, if you look at the numbers on my page, it says 923, but that includes all my Facebook connections too.  My WordPress connections just hit the 500+ mark, and counting.  This could not have been possible without all of you and all your support.  So a BIG, HUGE THANK YOU to all of you who follow me.  My one year blogoversary is coming up in just a few days too.  All I can say is WOW!!!!  So many good opportunities, connections, and creative ideas all in such a short period of time.  There are still tons of good food and recipes yet to come out Jeanne’s kitchen.  So let’s keep this party rockin’ and rollin’ and see what’s coming up next for ” A Jeanne in the Kitchen”.  I know there are many, many good things still yet to come.  There are actually a couple of big surprises in the works as we speak.  You’ll just have to be patient to find out what they are.  Stay tuned.  Don’t change that dial.  And again, a HUGE thank you to each and every one of you.  🙂



Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

98 thoughts on “I Hit 500+”

    1. That would be a very nice surprise, but that one is not on the books as of yet. I’ll keep you posted when that happens though. 🙂 You will just have to be patient for a little while longer, and the surprises will be announced. Timing is everything, you know.

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