Shrimp Diane

Shrimp Diane is a kissing cousin of Steak Diane.  Both are made with booze and both are D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!  Because these dishes are both fancy dishes, and out of the ordinary, and are prepared in the same way as many French dishes, people tend to think of these dishes as being French.  But they are not.  They are actually American creations, believed to have been created in New York’s Drake Hotel and Restaurant by Chef Beniamino Schiavon, in the 1940’s, although today, their reputation has grown and they are now considered to be “Continental Cuisine”.  Steak Diane is the traditional recipe that over time has grown to include shrimp as well.  Steak Diane was created as a recipe that was made tableside for people as a bit of a show, where the tableside chefs could show off the flambeing skills.  Flambeing meals at your table was enjoyed and made popular by the rich and famous of the times, like Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall.

The name Diane comes from the Roman Goddess of the hunt and fertility, Diana.  Diana in French is Diane, which also makes people believe this dish was a French creation.  “Diane” is a French way of cooking foods that was first used by Auguste Escoffier in 1907.   The Diane way of cooking is very similar to cooking something au poivre, or with peppers.  The sauce is flambéed with brandy, Grand Marnier, dry sherry, or Madeira, and poured over the steak or shrimp.  You could use the same sauce over chicken too if you prefer.


Shrimp Diane


3-4 TBSP butter

1 1/2-2 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined

2 shallots, minced fine

1/4 cup sherry

1/2 cup brandy or Grand Marnier – I used Grand Marnier

3/4 cup chicken or fish stock – I used chicken stock

1/2-3/4 cup heavy whipping cream

1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 tsp Worcestershire sauce

salt & pepper to taste


Saute the shrimp in a hot skillet with the butter.  Cook for about 3-4 minutes per side, or until the shrimp is completely cooked and pink.  Once the shrimp is cooked, remove it from the skillet and set aside.


In the same pan, add the shallots, the sherry and a bit more butter.  Saute the shallots for about 2 minutes, or until most of the liquid has evaporated.  make sure to get all the scrapings from the bottom.


Unless you are going for the flambe effect, remove the skillet from the heat and pour in either the brandy or the Grand Marnier.  Flames may still rise up, but they will go down in less than a minute, so just be careful.  Obviously, I was going for the full flambe.  You know, it’s all about presentation.  🙂



Once the flames have died down, add the stock and bring everything to a boil.  Let the sauce boil for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently.  You want most of the liquid to evaporate.

Add the cream, Dijon mustard, Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper.  Mix everything together thoroughly.



Add the shrimp back to the skillet, coat it in the sauce and continue to cook for about 2 more minutes.


Your shrimp Diane is now ready to serve.  I served it over rice, with some asparagus and my leftover Irish brown Soda Bread,  Guinness in the Stew, Guinness in the Bread with a light, delicious Vin Blanc to make the perfect meal.  Bon Appetit!










Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

50 thoughts on “Shrimp Diane”

    Posted bysamo lucija March 28, 2020 Leave a commenton SVETAC DANA-SUBOTA -28.03.2020 — ŽUPA ROKOVCI-ANDRIJAŠEVCI EditSVETAC DANA-SUBOTA -28.03.2020 — ŽUPA ROKOVCI-ANDRIJAŠEVCI

    Blažena Ivana Marija de Maillé Blažena Ivana Marija (Jeanne-Marie) de Maillé, francuska franjevačka trećoredica i mističarka, rođena je 14. travnja 1331. u dvorcu La Roche kod Saint-Quentina (departman Aisne, Pikardija), u plemićkoj obitelji, kao kći d’Hardouina de Mailléa i Jeanne de Montbazon. Prve vjerske pouke primila je od obiteljskog ispovjednika, franjevca. Već u jedanaestoj godini […]


    Već u jedanaestoj godini života ukazala joj se Blažena Djevica Marija s djetetom Isusom. Pobožna djevojka, osjetila je snažan unutarnji poticaj za čašćenje Kristove muke. Ostala je rano bez roditelja, željela je živjeti za dragog Boga, ali ju je njezin skrbnik 1347. protiv njezine volje udao za mladog plemića Roberta de Silléa. Njezin suprug bio je dobar i plemenit čovjek, što dokazuje i podatak da su se za pošasti crne kuge, koja je harala Europom od 1346. do 1353, oboje posvetili dvorbi bolesnika. U vrijeme rata s Engleskom Robert je bio zarobljen i za otkupninu je morao platiti polovicu svoga imanja. Vratio se kući, ali je 1362. umro. Obitelj de Sillé tada je njegovu udovicu otjerala. Siromašna Jeanne-Marie, bez krova nad glavom, otad je živjela u gradu Toursu (središnja Francuska), prosjačila kruh svagdašnji i potpuno se posvetila molitvama i dobrim djelima. Pred nadbiskupom Toursa položila je zavjet vječne čistoće i u jednom svratištu služila bolesnicima.

    Nakon nekog vremena napustila je grad, povukla se u osamu i prepustila se kontemplativnom životu. Zbog lošeg zdravstvenog stanja vratila se u Tours i nastanila se 1386. pored crkve franjevačkog samostana. Bila je obdarena izvanrednim mističnim darovima pa su mnogi rado slušali njezine savjete, čak i na francuskom kraljevskom dvoru. Pripisuju joj se mnoga čudesa i ozdravljenja. Preminula je u Toursu na današnji dan, 28. ožujka 1414, a pokopali su je u habitu franjevačke trećoredice. Narod ju je odmah počeo štovati kao sveticu, a blaženom ju je službeno proglasio 1871. papa Pio IX. Štuju je osobito u franjevačkom redu i u njezinoj domovini Francuskoj, u biskupijama Tours, Bourges, Le Mans, Laval i Poitiers. Zazivaju je kod bračnih problema i smrti roditelja, a zaštitnica je udovica, prognanika, žrtava nasilja i pogrda te osoba ismijavanih zbog pobožnosti.

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  2. i eat only veggi GOD HILDEGARD VON BINGEN ABEDISSA COUSINE NONE SWEDEN OR AM COUISINNE NONHEALTHY scampi nonegood read BIBEL all seafood poison and meat also only lamb alloweed


  3. 7 oktober på Birgittadagen firar vi på S:t Eriks katolska skola den Heliga Birgitta med en gemensam skolmässa på morgonen.

    Birgitta 1

    Birgitta av Vadstena 1303-1373 (helgonförklarad 1391)

    Birgitta är Sveriges enda ”riktiga helgon” dvs. hon är det enda av de svenska helgonen som har blivit kanoniserad (helgonförklarad) av påven i Rom. På medeltiden helgonförklarade också i de olika stiften vilket ledde till att det blev väldigt många helgon, något som reglerades sedan under 1500-talet och då övergick ”makten” att helgonförklara till Rom. Våra andra svenska helgon, Erik, Elina, Henrik, Sigfrid osv. är alltså mer ”helgon av tradition” och är bara helgonförklarade lokalt.

    Birgitta är känd för att hon fick flera uppenbarelser från Gud (ungefär 600 st samlade i 7 böcker). De flesta uppenbarelserna fick hon som vuxen efter att hennes man hade dött, men hon hade även kontakt med Gud vid ett par tillfällen som liten flicka.

    Birgitta var 10 år gammal och hade precis kommit hem från söndagsmässan. Där hade prästen talat om fastetiden som snart skulle börja. Väl hemma drog sig Birgitta tillbaka till sitt sovrum och knäföll framför krucifixet. Hon tittade på Jesus ansikte och plötsligt var det som allt var på riktigt! Hon såg hans plågade ansikte, blodet som rann på hans kropp hon och hörde hur svårt han hade att andas, det var hemskt!

    Vem har gjort dig detta? utropade Birgitta
    Alla som glömmer mig och inte bryr sig om min kärlek, de har gjort detta mot mig, svarade Jesus.
    Strax försvann synen men Birgitta skulle aldrig glömma den.

    Birgittas hösta dröm som flicka var att bli nunna och att fullt ut leva för Gud. Men eftersom hon kom från en av den tidens mest förmögna familjer hade de andra planer för henne. Hon skulle såklart bli bortgift med en man som kunde stärka familjens maktrelationer.

    Vid 13 års ålder blev hon bortgift med den fem år äldre Ulf Gudmunsson tillsammas fick de åtta barn (4 pojkar, 4 flickor). Det berättas om att äktenskapet var relativt lyckligt trots att Birgitta ibland hade svårt med att det alltid var Ulf som fick bestämma (hon verkar ha varit ganska envis). Birgitta ägnade sig, med Ulfs stöd, mycket åt välgörenhet och de var båda på många pilgrimsresor. På väg hem från en av pilgrimsresorna fick Birgitta en av sina få visioner som gift. Ulf hade under hemresan blivit svårt sjuk och Birgitta var oroad att han inte skulle klara av hemresan. En ängel visade sig då för henne och sa:

    Du ska inte vara orolig. Din man kommer att överleva.
    Ängeln hade rätt. De klarade sig hela vägen hem till Sverige men Ulf dog senare samma år i Alvastra kloster där han också begravdes.

    Nu började ett nytt kapitel i Birgittas liv!

    Birgitta 2Birgitta flyttade till Alvastra och bodde i en byggnad helt nära Cistersiensrerklostret där, nu kunde hon äntligen ägna sig åt det hon hade velat göra i hela sitt liv, leva bara för Gud! Hon bad och fastade och fick många uppenbarelser från Gud. Hon pratade mycket med sin biktfar om uppenbarelserna för att försäkra sig om att de kom från Gud och att det inte var djävulen som lurade henne. Både hennes biktfar och många andra präster var dock övertygade om att uppenbarelserna verkligen kom från Gud. Innehållet i dem var mycket olika, de kunde handla om den svenska kungen, politiker eller om något som bara rörde henne eller hennes familj. De uppenbarelser som har varit viktigast för eftervärlden är nog dels den om att hon skulle starta en ny klostergemenskap:

    Du ska starta ett kloster i Vadstena. Det ska kallas Birgittas klosterorden och det ska vara för både män och kvinnor (såklart i separata delar men ändå på samma plats).
    Och att hon hjälpte till att påverka så att Påven flyttade tillbaka till Rom efter att ha bott i Avignon i Frankrike under ett par år.

    Du ska vara min brud och mitt språkrör!
    1349, efter fem år i Alvastra begav sig Birgitta genom ett pesthärjat Europa till Rom för att där få sin klosterorden godkänd. Hon skulle komma att stanna i Rom (med undantag för ett antal pilgrimsresor hon gjorde därifrån) under resten av sitt liv.

    1370 fick Birgitta sin klosterorden godkänd av Påven Urban den V när han var på besök i Rom (bodde i Avignon till 1376). Tyvärr var hon för gammal och trött för att orka resa tillbaka till Sverige och påbörja arbetet med klostret. Det blev istället hennes dotter, Katarina, som såg till att klostret uppfördes helt i enighet med Birgittas visioner ett par år senare.

    År 1373 var Birgitta på sin sista pilgrimsfärd till Jerusalem. När hon kom hem från den hörde hon en röst som sade:

    Om fem dagar ska du dö
    Birgitta blev glad och började genast förbereda sig på döden men samtidigt var hon också orolig och kunde varken äta eller dricka. På den femte dagen bad hon att man skulle ta ner en av husets dörrar. När det var gjort steg hon upp ur sin mjuka och behagliga säng och lade sig på den avhäktade dörren. Anledningen till detta var att hon ville dö på samma underlag som sin Herre. Hennes sista ord var:

    I dina händer Herre, befaller jag min ande.
    Katarina fick hjälp av sina bröder att föra hem Birgittas kropp till Vadstena där delar av hennes kropp ännu finns kvar i Blåkyrkan.

    Birgitta är Sveriges skyddshelgon och sedan 1999 också ett av Europas skyddshelgon.

    Birgitta är mest känd för bönen:

    ”Herre, visa mig din väg och gör mig villig att vandra den”

    Den bönen går också under namnet Pilgrimernas bön.

    I sin helhet låter den såhär:

    Den heliga Birgittas bön om vägledning:

    O Gud, kom snart och lys upp natten! Såsom döende längtar, så längtar jag efter dig. Säg min själ, att intet händer utan att du tillåter det och att intet som du tillåter är tröstlöst. O Jesus, Guds Son, du stod tyst inför dem som dömde dig, gör också mig tyst inför dem som dömde dig, gör mig tyst intill dess jag får besinna vad och hur jag ska tala. Visa mig vägen och gör mig villig att vandra den!

    Vådligt är att dröja och farligt att gå vidare, så uppfyll då min åstundan och visa mig vägen. Jag kommer till dig, såsom den sårade kommer till läkaren. Ge, O herre, mitt hjärta ro!

    En annan bön:

    Bön till den heliga Birgitta

    Heliga Birgitta, med moderlig omsorg vakar du över vårt stift och över var och en av oss. Ge oss del av din kärlek till Jesus Kristus och hans heliga kors, så att vi i allt efterföljer honom. Lär oss leva i Jungfru Marias närhet, så att vi i vad vi är och gör återspeglar henne. Gör oss lika trogna Kyrkan och hennes Överherde som du, så att Kyrkans enhet i tro, hopp och kärlek blir synlig för alla. Genom Jesus Kristus. Amen
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  4. Franciskus solsång idag
    8:52 min

    sön 24 jul 2016 kl 16.35

    Vad kan den nästan 800 år gamla dikten Franciskus solsång säga om vad det innebär att vara människa idag? Över detta reflekterar psykiatrikern Svante Bäck i detta Interplay i P1.

    Ladda ner (8:52 min, MP3)
    Min sida

    Svante Bäck Foto: Foto: Privat

    Franciskus solsång är en dikt från 1220-talet, där den katolske munken Franciskus inte bara lovar Gud för skapelsen utan också besjälar den. Han kallar jorden för “moder” och “syster”, månen för “syster”, solen för “broder” och slutligen också döden för “broder”.

    Några hundra år senare fick dikten också en melodi, i 1600-talets Tyskland, och på 1900-talet översattes den till svenska, av bland andra prästen och psalmdiktaren Olov Hartman.

    På 90-talet fick dikten ännu en ny musikalisk dräkt av den ryska tonsättaren Sofia Gubajdulina, i stycket “Sonnengesang”. Det stycket framfördes av Radiokören och solister i anslutning till ett samtal om just solsången i Berwaldhallens Interplayserie, och en av dem som medverkade då var Svante Bäck.

    Bäck är psykiatriker i Västervik och har haft en relation till den här dikten sedan sin ungdom, och för honom är dikten till att börja med tidlös och som gjord också för oss idag:

    – Det handlar ju om vår relation till naturen och Franciskus talar ju om det som det är hans syskon, säger Bäck bland annat.

    Programmet skulle ha sänts första gången fredag 23 juli -16, men det var ett av de program som fick utgå då Ekot direktsände med anledning av attentatet i München.

    Producent för Interplay i P1 är Berit Nygren, SR Musik.

    Av upphovsrättsliga skäl är musiken i det nedladdningsbara avsnittet kraftigt förkortad.

    Berit Nygren

    Prophecies for These End of Times* Maui,Hawaii 2012
    87 097 visningar
    •6 mars 2015

    1 10179DELASPARA

    True Life in God

    7 960 prenumeranter


    A talk given by Vassula Ryden in Maui Hawaii 2012 *the end of time is not the end of the world but an end of an era Vassula Rydén, is Greek, born in Egypt and she belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church. Her husband’s professional obligations meant that she had to live most of her life in third world countries. She could never have imagined that God would unexpectedly reveal Himself to her in 1985, while she was living with her family in Bangladesh. This was the beginning of a mystical communication which continues to this very day. God called her and charged her with the mission of spreading His messages, which He named “True Life in God”. Vassula’s mission is a Prophetic one. The grace to receive the word of God and extend it to the people is the gift of Prophecy. God chose her, even though she had never received any catechetical instruction or theological formation. It is Jesus who taught her everything. Who dictates, who inspires and reveals to her everything she writes. The “True Life in God” is a divine call for us; to repentance, reconciliation, love and unity. Since 1988 Vassula has been invited to speak in more than 76 countries and has given over 1000 presentations. Vassula receives in all of this work, no personal royalties, fees, or benefits for her efforts. So far, the books have been translated by volunteers into more than 42 languages. The messages that Vassula has been receiving since 1985 have been studied by renowned theologians and priests, who consider them to be in harmony with the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church. They have confirmed their authenticity and divine origin by writing books and analyzing the unique case of Vassula. Through all these years, Our Lord has tried to awaken a true understanding in all of us by repeatedly giving us reminders: recalling what was said in the past by the Holy Prophets and His own Commandments. Our Lord came and still comes in this manner into the world to enlighten all those who have gone astray, but to this day very few have recognized His graceful presence and fewer still accept His call. The True Life in God messages are not prophecies of doom and gloom. God gives them to us in these times of mercy to shape us up; they are a call out of the sublime love of God. God will not allow us forever to offend His Holy Name. This is the reason why He comes; In His mercy, to give us many warnings. Vassula Ryden is a chosen soul to whom God has given messages for our times; of which many have come true, for example: The 2004 Tsunami, The Twin Towers, The World in Turmoil, and the Fall of Communism in Russia. These are the Signs of the End of Times and His last warnings .God is so offended with the actual widespread apostasy that unless we heed His calling; He will send us a great chastisement. “Those who have ears let them hear, those who do not want to hear let them not hear”, this is what God said to Vassula to tell this generation and to all the Churches. The Churches also have a call for Christian Unity. In Scriptures it is written that faith without good works is quite dead. After experiencing our Lady in a vision, Vassula was asked by Mary to feed the poor as well, for spiritual food was not enough. Since then, many houses called Beth Miriam (house of Mary) started to function to feed the poor. Those houses are progressing to have schooling as well for the poor children. There are now many worldwide – in Egypt, Bangladesh, the Holy Land, multiple in the Philippines, Venezuela , Brazil, an orphanage in Kenya and help is given as well to 300 Buddhist orphans in Dhaka. All of this is done by the True Life in God volunteers. There is no head office or secretary. Vassula has painted canvases of Jesus and Mary.we have made photographs of these paintings. The paintings will be allocated to the TLIG missions. Vassula does not receive any monies for herself. for more info

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    Rick Rickyför 3 år sedan

    The voice of the real Shepherd is speaking thru this woman.

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    Franciskus solsång idag
    8:52 min

    sön 24 jul 2016 kl 16.35

    Vad kan den nästan 800 år gamla dikten Franciskus solsång säga om vad det innebär att vara människa idag? Över detta reflekterar psykiatrikern Svante Bäck i detta Interplay i P1.

    Ladda ner (8:52 min, MP3)
    Min sida

    Svante Bäck Foto: Foto: Privat

    Franciskus solsång är en dikt från 1220-talet, där den katolske munken Franciskus inte bara lovar Gud för skapelsen utan också besjälar den. Han kallar jorden för “moder” och “syster”, månen för “syster”, solen för “broder” och slutligen också döden för “broder”.

    Några hundra år senare fick dikten också en melodi, i 1600-talets Tyskland, och på 1900-talet översattes den till svenska, av bland andra prästen och psalmdiktaren Olov Hartman.

    På 90-talet fick dikten ännu en ny musikalisk dräkt av den ryska tonsättaren Sofia Gubajdulina, i stycket “Sonnengesang”. Det stycket framfördes av Radiokören och solister i anslutning till ett samtal om just solsången i Berwaldhallens Interplayserie, och en av dem som medverkade då var Svante Bäck.

    Bäck är psykiatriker i Västervik och har haft en relation till den här dikten sedan sin ungdom, och för honom är dikten till att börja med tidlös och som gjord också för oss idag:

    – Det handlar ju om vår relation till naturen och Franciskus talar ju om det som det är hans syskon, säger Bäck bland annat.

    Programmet skulle ha sänts första gången fredag 23 juli -16, men det var ett av de program som fick utgå då Ekot direktsände med anledning av attentatet i München.

    Producent för Interplay i P1 är Berit Nygren, SR Musik.

    Av upphovsrättsliga skäl är musiken i det nedladdningsbara avsnittet kraftigt förkortad.

    Berit Nygren

    Prophecies for These End of Times* Maui,Hawaii 2012
    87 097 visningar
    •6 mars 2015

    1 10179DELASPARA

    True Life in God

    7 960 prenumeranter


    A talk given by Vassula Ryden in Maui Hawaii 2012 *the end of time is not the end of the world but an end of an era Vassula Rydén, is Greek, born in Egypt and she belongs to the Greek Orthodox Church. Her husband’s professional obligations meant that she had to live most of her life in third world countries. She could never have imagined that God would unexpectedly reveal Himself to her in 1985, while she was living with her family in Bangladesh. This was the beginning of a mystical communication which continues to this very day. God called her and charged her with the mission of spreading His messages, which He named “True Life in God”. Vassula’s mission is a Prophetic one. The grace to receive the word of God and extend it to the people is the gift of Prophecy. God chose her, even though she had never received any catechetical instruction or theological formation. It is Jesus who taught her everything. Who dictates, who inspires and reveals to her everything she writes. The “True Life in God” is a divine call for us; to repentance, reconciliation, love and unity. Since 1988 Vassula has been invited to speak in more than 76 countries and has given over 1000 presentations. Vassula receives in all of this work, no personal royalties, fees, or benefits for her efforts. So far, the books have been translated by volunteers into more than 42 languages. The messages that Vassula has been receiving since 1985 have been studied by renowned theologians and priests, who consider them to be in harmony with the Scriptures and the Tradition of the Church. They have confirmed their authenticity and divine origin by writing books and analyzing the unique case of Vassula. Through all these years, Our Lord has tried to awaken a true understanding in all of us by repeatedly giving us reminders: recalling what was said in the past by the Holy Prophets and His own Commandments. Our Lord came and still comes in this manner into the world to enlighten all those who have gone astray, but to this day very few have recognized His graceful presence and fewer still accept His call. The True Life in God messages are not prophecies of doom and gloom. God gives them to us in these times of mercy to shape us up; they are a call out of the sublime love of God. God will not allow us forever to offend His Holy Name. This is the reason why He comes; In His mercy, to give us many warnings. Vassula Ryden is a chosen soul to whom God has given messages for our times; of which many have come true, for example: The 2004 Tsunami, The Twin Towers, The World in Turmoil, and the Fall of Communism in Russia. These are the Signs of the End of Times and His last warnings .God is so offended with the actual widespread apostasy that unless we heed His calling; He will send us a great chastisement. “Those who have ears let them hear, those who do not want to hear let them not hear”, this is what God said to Vassula to tell this generation and to all the Churches. The Churches also have a call for Christian Unity. In Scriptures it is written that faith without good works is quite dead. After experiencing our Lady in a vision, Vassula was asked by Mary to feed the poor as well, for spiritual food was not enough. Since then, many houses called Beth Miriam (house of Mary) started to function to feed the poor. Those houses are progressing to have schooling as well for the poor children. There are now many worldwide – in Egypt, Bangladesh, the Holy Land, multiple in the Philippines, Venezuela , Brazil, an orphanage in Kenya and help is given as well to 300 Buddhist orphans in Dhaka. All of this is done by the True Life in God volunteers. There is no head office or secretary. Vassula has painted canvases of Jesus and Mary.we have made photographs of these paintings. paintings will be allocated to the TLIG missions. Vassula does not receive any monies for herself. for more info

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    73 kommentarer

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    Rick Rickyför 3 år sedan

    The voice of the real Shepherd is speaking thru this woman.

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    3 Narcissists in the Bible: How God Took Them Out
    July 26, 2017

    God doesn’t always kill His enemies individually in the Old Testament, but when He does, they tend to be narcissists. What Onan, Jezebel, and Nabal each have in common with narcissists is an utter lack of empathy for others, overweening greed, and the suspicion that the world is out to cheat them of what should be theirs. Like the personality disorder that each display, they are self-absorbed and dedicated to taking what they want no matter the cost to others.

    I have always been a little fascinated by the fact that God occasionally called out a few people and pulled them into permanent time-out. When I started looking at them, I began to realize that they all had some things in common, mainly that of being narcissists. Believing God to be patient, it is a scary thought that He would come to the end of His rope and decide it’s time for some justice. So let’s take a look.

    Onan: Every Man for Himself (self-absorbed narcissists):
    Onan is, of course, is known for his sexual issues to the extent that his name has been turned into a word for masturbation (onanism). But this is a misnomer. He didn’t actually do that (well, at least not in the story). Instead, he committed coitus interruptus. This is not the real issue. After all, no other mention is made prohibiting withdrawing during sex. The issue before God was a bit more complicated. Some things to consider are that God took out Er, Onan’s brother for his evil and Onan was commanded to marry Tamar and give her a son. If he doesn’t, then Er’s property goes to him. In marrying Tamar, he feels cheated because his first son will bear his brother’s name, not his. His brother’s property, which would otherwise go to him, will go to his son, who will not legally be his son. Talk about a narcissistic outlook!

    The other issue here is the treatment of Tamar. Children back then were your only 401k program. Widows without children had nowhere to go, no one to provide. This was an agrarian society. There weren’t any jobs available. You worked your land. Primogeniture meant that property went generally from male to male. Foreign concepts now (although recently foreign if you get my drift), women relied on men for provision as a general rule. Onan’s refusal to care for Tamar was stealing her inheritance and financial support. Additionally, Judah was king. Onan was diverting the kingly lineage from Er to himself.

    If you doubt Onan’s criminal intent, think of the scene itself. He has sex with Tamar and then while she watches, “spills his seed onto the ground”.

    He used her sexually, and in a way that was meant to both humiliate her and let her know his intention was to take what was due her.
    Narcissists, indeed.

    Jezebel: A Humiliating Fate (for Narcissists)
    Jezebel, too, has no qualms about using the law to take what she wanted. I am not sure if she was a narcissist or a sociopath. After all, she committed murder with ease, and over issues of greed, killing one man for his vineyard to spare herself the cost. She is a user of people around her and her obsession with Elijah stems from his repudiation of her worship of Baal. His only crime, if you could call it that, was to call her out on her issues. But in the eyes of a narcissist, public humiliation or even just embarrassment, is a major trespass. She is murdered, according to Elijah’s word from God, and as the prophet indicates, is eaten by dogs.

    I heard a missionary tell a story that always makes me laugh. She ministered to a cannibalistic tribe, though whether in South America or Papua New Guinea I can no longer remember. She lived there for several years, learning their language and translating it into a written language, all the while translating the Bible into the native tongue. The elders met with her almost every night as she translated. They did not respond much until the story of Jezebel. When they heard that the dogs did not eat the soles of Jezebel’s feet, all of a sudden everything became clear to them. They told her they decided that the Bible told the truth. Confused, she asked them why. Because they explained, they didn’t eat the soles either. The soles are too bitter. Who knew?

    Only God could use such detail to bring about the redemption of a whole tribe of people.

    Jezebel’s death was an intentional humiliation and apparently, arranged by a God no longer willing to hand out second chances.

    Nabal: What’s Mine is Mine
    I sometimes fantasize about writing a book and calling it “Life with Nabal” about my time with my ex-husband. Nabal, the husband of Abigail, refused to offer hospitality to David and his men. A narcissist at heart, he cannot see past his own self-importance, even when his life is on the line. Abigail, recognizing this as the insult it was due to the protection from enemies that David and his men provided, runs interference and feed them well. She is caught in a classic narcissist abuse dilemma. If she obeys her husband, they will be killed. If she disobeys her husband, she may well be killed anyway. Nabal, a coward as well as a narcissist, keels over from the fear of what could have happened and the “Lord smote him until he died.” He died because he resented any intrusion into his wealth and pleasure, failing to understand that he only had them because of the protection of others.
    These three narcissists were self-absorbed and did not suffer from any pangs of the conscience. Instead, they hated anyone who stood in their way. Their pride made them incapable of empathy, and their greed blinded them to the rights of others.

    In the mind of narcissists, no one else really exists except as an extension of themselves.
    This is why people often describe being in a relationship with a narcissist as being a slave.

    A friend of mine left her husband for these reasons, found herself bewildered by his reaction. A clear-cut narcissist, he wanted her back very badly though he did not seem in the least heartbroken. Instead, when she asked him why he wanted her back, her husband said he felt as though he had lost his arm. Interesting. He felt like he lost a part of himself that did things for him. That was all she was to him, a body part and extension of himself.

    I believe that God is a merciful God, even in the Old Testament. When people ask me about the issues of genocide in the Bible, I ask them to research the people groups that God wanted to be erased and compare them to the Nazis. Just as the Nazis committed genocide, so did many of these peoples.

    But beyond those philosophical arguments, what frightens me is the notion that some are too far gone for redemption. That narcissists figure prominently in those numbers is enlightening and a warning. That God would simply remove a player from the stage is an indication that eventually, for each person, there comes a time when decisions end. I cannot imagine a Heaven with a Jezebel or an Onan or a Hitler in it. The question remains, however, can I imagine myself there? All I can say is praise the Lord for His grace.

    But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul. Hebrews 10:39

    Liked by 1 person

  5. SVI SV koji su za seljace imaju EUHARISTIJU u sv ROKICA za BLAGOSLOV djece i vinograda BOZJOGA sijemenja

    post i pokora je danas petak Neprestane svađe, pohlepa i zavist vode ovaj svijet u neke mračne dubine.

    Svakoga dana čujem, Gospodine,o ratovima,o mržnji i netrpeljivosti jednih prema drugima. Ne daj, Gospode, da nevini ginu u ratovima zbog pohlepe koja uništavanašu ljudskost, jer nijedna stvar ovoga svijeta nije vrijedna kao čovjek. A ti znaš, Gospode, dau ratovima mnogi pogibaju zbog krivih i navažnih ciljeva.

    Molitva za oproštenje grijeha | Molitve | Sve vijesti

    Djeca ostaju bez svojih roditelja, sama i napuštena. Ljudi lutaju ulicama tražeći svoje mrtve pod ruševinama njihovih domova. Odagnaj zlo iz ljudskih umova. Ti si pobjedio u ratu Sotonu. Pobjedi, Gospode, i svaki rat između ljudi. Usadi u njihova srca mir i želju za prestankom krvavih sukoba, jer, Bože, nevini ginu, a vjerujem da ti to možeš promijeniti. Po Kristu Gospodinu našemu. Amen. Oče naš…

    Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday after Pentecost Sunday are known as “Whit Embertide,” and they come anywhere between mid-May and mid-June, at the beginning of Summer (June, July, August). The Lessons read during the Masses connect the Pentecost with the Old Testament Feast of Firstfruits. Ember days mark the four seasons and the Whitsun Embertide days begin Summer. Ember days are days of fasting and abstinence from meat (although not required to observe anymore, many Catholics still practice this)

    The Gospel readings focus on Our Lord speaking of Himself as the Heavenly Bread (John 6:44-52), healing the man lowered down through the roof , telling the Pharisees that it is easier to say “Thy sins are forgiven” than to say “Arise and walk!” (Luke 5:17-26), and healing Simon Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-44).
    Summer is the time of growth and work, of preparation for the harvest that comes before Winter. For the Catholic, it is a time of preparation for harvest on the spiritual level, too, as is reflected in the liturgical season of Time After Pentecost. Providential it is, then, that June has a special focus on the Sacred Heart, to Whom we offer our labours and sufferings through the Morning Offering. And providential it is that there come in these months the Feasts of many great Saints who show us how to do our work well, especially the Feast of St. Martha, God’s worker, whose story reminds us to put the spiritual first and to order our labor. ⚜️

    Here’s your assignment for today: May you belly laugh out loud with reckless abandon. It’s good for your soul, and it’s excellent for your health. May you pray with faith and dream wildly with God, the ultimate Dream Maker. The devil will hate it, and God will love it. May you sincerely give thanks to our amazing God for all He’s provided and for all He’s prevented. May you stand a little taller, breathe a little deeper, and go after your day with a tenacious kind of faith. There’s more right with you than wrong with you because Jesus is alive in you! You’re more blessed than you know. Live strong today!

    Liked by 1 person

    Faith and the Coronavirus

    Lent 2020 will be remembered as historic for the impacts of the Coronavirus around the world. For many Catholics, it will be remembered as the first Lent in the 2000 year history of the Church that Masses were canceled on a global scale to protect public safety in efforts to reduce the rapid spread of the virus.

    There are many of you sharing your feelings of anger, sadness, disbelief and the list goes on. I want to share with you my feelings and thoughts. I feel dryness, loss, abandonment, isolation, longing, and suffering. Then the thought hit me. Could God be asking us to share more in what His son may have felt?

    Dryness – “My God, my God why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46) – Some think that when Jesus uttered these words on the cross, in his humanity, he could not feel God’s presence. Think of those times in your own life when you could not feel or recognize God’s presence in your life. For me, knowing I will not receive the Eucharist for several weeks, is a dryness. I will not experience the joy of being in Jesus’ presence in the blessed sacrament.
    Loss – leaving the people you love. For several weeks, I will be separated from my church family, wondering how they are doing.
    Abandonment – Jesus’ disciples left him in his moment of need. Even knowing that stopping the spread of this virus is important, I feel a sense that I am abandoning those in need.
    Isolation – Jesus was alone in His suffering. As we self quarantine, there is a real sense of being isolated from family, friends and the community.
    Longing – Jesus desired to be with his Father. In this time, I desire to be in the presence of Jesus fully present in the Eucharist. I desire to be with our parishioners sharing together the season of Lent.
    Suffering – Jesus suffered for us on the cross. My suffering in this time is so small in comparison. Yet, this is a chance to unite my suffering with the suffering of Jesus on the cross.
    In times of trial, God is calling us to be even closer to Him. To trust and rely on Him for everything. This Lent we have a chance to offer the feelings we are experiencing at the cross. To pick up willingly the cross that has been given to us. To embrace it and carry it. To unite the suffering we are experiencing to the suffering of Christ.

    Look deep into your heart. What is God teaching you in this time of trial? Is it patience? Is it trust? Is it recognizing that you really are not in control of your life?

    This time is an opportunity to encounter God. Will you pray more? Will you be still and listen? Will you recognize Him in those that are helping you? Will you recognize Him in the people you help?

    Do not fear. Trust. Jesus himself said in Matthew 16:18, “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of the netherworld shall not prevail against it.” Jesus is truth and his words to Peter should reassure us that we will prevail.

    As Catholics, we are armed with many weapons for spiritual combat. And make no mistakes, the Evil One wants us to surrender. Don’t! We have been redeemed by the blood of the spotless Lamb, Jesus Christ. We are children of God! Be strong and defend yourself.

    Pray more. Pray the rosary. Pray the St. Michael prayer. Call on the vast army of saints and ask for their prayers of intercession. Follow the example of Jesus. Trust in God and surrender to His will. Ask God to reveal to you the message He has for you in this crisis. With God, defeat can be turned to victory.

    May God’s healing touch and peace be with you.

    TRODNEVNICA SVETOM ANTI od 10.lipnja do 12.lipnja
    Uvodna molitva
    Moli se svaki dan prije razmatranja
    Sveti Anto, evanđeoski naučitelju riječju i životom, ljiljane čistoće i nevinosti,pravi sljedbenice i prijatelju Kristov, isprosi nam od Boga milost da i mi živimo po evanđeoskoj poruci u pravednosti i čistoći svoga kršćanskog poziva i u ljubavi Kristovoj. Dubokom vjerom i čistim ufanjem preporučamo se tvojemu moćnom zagovoru kod Boga sada i uvijek,a posebno za ustrajnost u milosti Božjoj do sretna prijelaza u blaženu vječnost. Amen.
    “Ispunilo se vrijeme, blizu je Kraljestvo Božje. Obratite se i vjerujete u Radosnu vijest””Te je Spasiteljeve rijeci sv. Anto prihvatio svim srcem i svom dušom. Znao je da je, kako je sv. Pavao preporučivao Crkvi i Rimu,”uistinu sve sto je nekoć napisao, napisao nam za pouku, da strpljivošću i utjehom, koje daje Pismo,trajno imao nadu”kao i da je”Bog nekoć u mnogo navrata i na mnogo načina govorio očima po prorocima, i na kraju,to jest u ovo vrijeme,govorio nam po Sinu”Zato je marljivo proučavao Sveto Pismo, posebno Evanđelje, to jest nauk i život Isusa Krista. I ne samo proučavao nego i na najdostojniji način živio po nauci i primjeru Kristovu, prihvativši i one evanđeoske savjete koji će ga po uzoru sv. Franje učiniti njegovim savršenim nasljednikom i dovesti do vrhunca svetosti. Znajući da je kraljestvo evanđelje jedini siguran put spasenja, neumorno je propovijedao njegovu radosnu vijest i drugima, kako bi i oni spoznali da je Isus zaista za sve “Put ,Istina i Život” zbog Antina evanđeoskoga života,učenja i požrtvovana propovijedanja Božje poruke čovjeku. Crkva ga je zasluženo odlikovala naslovom “Evanđeoskog naučitelja”
    Evanđeoski naučitelju, sveti Anto!
    S pouzdanjem se utječemo tvom svetom zagovoru kod Boga i molimo te da nam od njega isprosiš milost ustrajnosti u kršćanskoj vjeri, ufanju i ljubavi, milost evanđeoskog nasljedovanja Isusa Krista ,kako bismo se jednom mogli s njim,s tobom is a svim svetima radovati na nebesima u sve vijeke vjekova. Amen.
    Javna pobožnost svetom Anti..
    Ak’čudesa tražiš,gle,
    Smrt i bludnja,nevolje,
    Vrag i guba nestaju,
    Zdrave bolesnici.
    More ,lanci uzmiču,
    Uda ,stvari propale,
    Mole i dobivaju,
    Mladi pa i starci.
    Iščezava pogibelj,
    Prestaju i potrebe,
    Neka kaže tko to zna,
    Pa i Padovanci,
    Slava ocu i Sinu ,slava Duhu Svetome,
    More ,lanci…
    R. Moli za nas blaženi Anto,
    O. Da dostojni postanemo obećanja Kristovih.
    Pomolimo se
    Crkvu tvoju, Boze neka razveseli zavjetni spomen blaženog Ante ,priznavaoca tvojega naučitelja,da se vazda utvrđuje duhovnom pomoću i bude dostojan uživati radost vječnu, po Kristu Gospodinu našem. Amen.
    Sveti Anto,evanđeoski naučitelju riječju i životom, ljiljane čistoće i nevinosti,pravi sljedbenice i prijatelju Kristov, isprosi nam od Boga milost da i mi živimo po evanđeoskoj poruci u pravednosti i čistoći svoga kršćanskog poziva i u ljubavi Kristovoj. Dubokom vjerom i čistim ufanjem preporučamo se tvojemu moćnom zagovoru kod Boga sada i uvijek,a posebno za ustrajnost u milosti Božjoj do sretna prijelaza u blaženu vječnost. Amen
    “Blaženi čista srca jer će oni Boga vidjeti”, proglasio je Isus u Govoru na gori. Tim je riječima Krist naznačio da je uvjet vječnoga spasenja čistoća života na zemlji. Kršćanska čistoća može se shvatiti u užem smislu rijeci kao doživotno i vjerno djevičanstvo,u širem smislu kao posebna krepost za sve staleže,i napokon u našem ,općem smislu riječi, kao čistoća savjesti, kao odsutnost grijeha,kao pravednost pred Bogom i ljudima. Na doživotno djevičanstvo Bog poziva samo neke, no na stalešku čistoću savjesti poziva sve bez razlike.
    ”U miru sa svima težite za spasenjem i posvećenjem bez kojega nitko neće vidjeti Gospodina” kaže sv. Pavao. I opet:”Bog nas uistinu nije pozvao ka nečistoći, nego k posvećenju!”
    Sv. Anto bio je uzor čistoga života. Svi su poznavali njegovu nevinost i svetost,pa su s pravom djeca prigodom njegove smrti klicala po Padovi:
    ”Umro je svetac,umro je svetac” Bogu je u zreloj mladosti zavjetovao djevičanstvo. Da u tom ustraje,prihvaćao je nužnu strogost života. Odlikovao se u svim kršćanskim krepostima u herojskom stupnju,osobito u ljubavi prema Isusu i bližnjemu. Proveo je život koji je dostojno simboliziran bijelim ljiljanima u njegovom naručju…
    Bijeli ljiljane čistoće i nevinosti ,sv. Anto! Isprosi i nama milost od Boga da ustrajemo u krepostima čistoće usprkos svim napastima,kojih ćemo se savjesno čuvati,i našim slabostima,koje ćemo svladati Božjim darovima.
    Po tvom moćnom zagovoru neka nam Bog dade milost čestita ,pravedna i sveta života,da bismo i mi postali dostojni jednom “Boga vidjeti”Amen…
    Javna pobožnost svetom Anti..
    Ak’čudesa tražiš,gle,
    Smrt i bludnja,nevolje,
    Vrag i guba nestaju,
    Zdrave bolesnici.
    More ,lanci uzmiču,
    Uda ,stvari propale,
    Mole i dobivaju,
    Mladi pa i starci.
    Iščezava pogibelj,
    Prestaju i potrebe,
    Neka kaže tko to zna,
    Pa i Padovanci,
    Slava ocu i Sinu ,slava Duhu Svetome,
    More ,lanci…
    R. Moli za nas blaženi Anto,
    O. Da dostojni postanemo obećanja Kristovih.
    Pomolimo se
    Crkvu tvoju, Boze neka razveseli zavjetni spomen blaženog Ante, priznavaoca tvojega naučitelja, da se vazda utvrđuje duhovnom pomoću i bude dostojan uživati radost vječnu, po Kristu Gospodinu našem. Amen.
    Sveti Anto, evanđeoski naučitelju riječju i životom,ljiljane čistoće i nevinosti,pravi sljedbenice i prijatelju Kristov,isprosi nam od Boga milost da i mi živimo po evanđeoskoj poruci u pravednosti i čistoći svoga kršćanskog poziva i u ljubavi Kristovoj. Dubokom vjerom i čistim ufanjem preporučamo se tvojemu moćnom zagovoru kod Boga sada i uvijek,a posebno za ustrajnost u milosti Božjoj do sretna prijelaza u blaženu vječnost. Amen.
    Ljubav prema Božjoj rijeci,Svetom pismu,posebno Evandjelju,vodila je sv.Antu do upoznavanja i ljubavi prema Isusu Kristu.Njegova čistoća i nevinost činile su ga dostojnim da s njime bude najintimnije sjedinjen. Za Krista je htio umrijeti,njemu se jednom posvetio svojim redovničkim i svećeničkim djevićnstvom,s njime je u molitvi provodio svoje najradosnije časove,njega je propovijedao kao Otkupitelja i Spasitelja svih ljudi. Kao sto je njegov serafski otac sv.Franjo na La Verni ugledao razapetoga Krista i primio njegove svete rane,tako je Anto u Camposampieru bio za svoju ljubav prema Isusu nagrađen time da ga je video svojim očima i primio u svoje naručje.
    Ako smo pravi štovatelji sv.Ante onda ćemo i mi ljubiti i nasljedovati Isusa Krista. Prava pobožnost prema ovom ljubljenom našem svecu jest jedno ona koja nas ,po njemu ,vodi k Spasitelju Bogu,koja nas čini takvom Božjom djecom kakvom nas nebeski otac želi,za naše dobro i vječno spasenje:da vjerujemo u njega i da ga ljubimo ne samo riječju nego i dijelom. Nema drugog imena pod nebom-osima imena Isusa Krista-po kojemu bismo se mogli spasiti,kaže sv.Petar, a sam Isus opet upozorava: ”Neće svaki koji mi govori:Gospodine,Gospodine!’ući u kraljestvo nebesko,nego onaj koji vrši volju moga nebeskoga Oca!”
    Sveti Anto,ljubimce Isusa Krista!I mi želimo ljubiti Božanskoga Spasitelja,živjeti po njegovoj nauci i spremno ga nasljedovati i onda kada ga promatramo na njegovu kriznom putu i ze nas razapeta na Kalvariji. Moli za nas da u tome,po tom primjeru,ustrajemo te tako postignemo ujedno i plodove njegova slavnog uskrsnuća. Amen..
    Javna pobožnost svetom Anti..
    Ak’čudesa tražiš,gle,
    Smrt i bludnja,nevolje,
    Vrag i guba nestaju,
    Zdrave bolesnici.
    More ,lanci uzmiču,
    Uda ,stvari propale,
    Mole i dobivaju,
    Mladi pa i starci.
    Iščezava pogibelj,
    Prestaju i potrebe,
    Neka kaže tko to zna,
    Pa i Padovanci,
    Slava ocu i Sinu ,slava Duhu Svetome,
    More ,lanci…
    R. Moli za nas blaženi Anto,
    O. Da dostojni postanemo obećanja Kristovih.
    Pomolimo se
    Crkvu tvoju, Boze neka razveseli zavjetni spomen blaženog Ante , priznavaoca tvojega naučitelja, da se vazda utvrđuje duhovnom pomoću i bude dostojan uživati radost vječnu, po Kristu Gospodinu našem. Amen.


    Danas s radošću u dušama slavimo blagdan Tijelova (latinski Corpus Christi). Spominjemo se ustanovljenja Euharistije na Veliki četvrtak, pričesti, sakramenta tijela i krvi Kristove, kao uspomenu na posljednju Kristovu večeru. Ta se svetkovina pojavila u XIII. stoljeću, a na cijelo zapadno kršćanstvo proširila se u XIV. stoljeću. Augustinska redovnica, sveta Julijana iz samostana kod Liégea u Belgiji, imala je viđenje punog mjeseca, na kojem je opazila mrlju. Puni mjesec je protumačila kao Crkvu, a mrlju kao nedostatak blagdana, kojim bi se častio Presveti oltarski sakrament. Na njezinu molbu, mjesni je biskup za svoju biskupiju uspostavio blagdan, koji se na početku zvao blagdan Euharistije. Sveta Julijana i njeni suvremenici promicali su ideju toga blagdana i željeli su ga proširiti na cijelu Crkvu. Papa Urban IV. objavio je 1264. bulu, kojom je blagdan Euharistije proširio na cijelu Crkvu.

    Puni naziv tog blagdana je Presveto Tijelo i Krv Kristova. Tim blagdanom želimo obnoviti svoju vjeru u osobu Isusa Krista, Bogočovjeka, koji je u određenom povijesnom času kao jedinorođeni Sin Božji postao povijesnom osobom. To je tajna njegova utjelovljenja. Bog je postao čovjekom, jedan od nas, s konkretnim tijelom, a u njegovim žilama teče ljudska krv. “U svemu jednak, osim u grijehu,” kao što je rekao sveti Pavao.

    Na današnji se blagdan sjećamo kao je Bog uzeo ljudsko tijelo da bi postao čovjekom. U Isusu je Bog svima nama dohvatljiv i blizak. Tajnu svojega utjelovljenja utkao je Isus na svojoj posljednjoj večeri u znakove kruha i vina, koji snagom njegove riječi postaju Tijelo i Krv Kristova, dakle sakrament euharistije, dar pričesti, hrana i piće. Posebno su pritom naglašeni neki elementi tog sakramenta: kruh u obliku hostije, koji se pokazuje kod podizanja; kalež s vinom koji se isto tako pokazuje vjernicima kao znak i dar.

    Tijelovo želi osobito naglasiti istinu da je Isus pravi čovjek i pravi Bog, a kao čovjek da ima tijelo kao i mi. To je dar Kristova predanog tijela, dar njegove prolivene krvi, to je dar njegove neizrecive ljubavi za svakog od nas osobno. Presvetom Tijelu Isusovom i Predragocjenoj Krvi Kristovoj posvećena su mnoga naselja, župe i kapele diljem svijeta i hrvatskih krajeva (Zagreb-Sopot, Zagreb-Kozari Bok, Zagreb-Mošćenička, Trešnjevka, Zagreb-Tuškanac, samostanska kapela Klanjateljica Krvi Kristove, Petrovina kod Jastrebarskog, Ludbreg, Kučiće kod Omiša).


  7. The Catholic and His Medals — Finer Femininity
    Posted bysamo lucija June 11, 2020 Leave a commenton The Catholic and His Medals — Finer Femininity EditThe Catholic and His Medals — Finer Femininity

    In these times of much evil, when truly the devil goes about “seeking whom he may devour”, let us make as much use of what Holy Mother Church gives us in order to put on our “armor” for each day, dodging the attacks that may come upon us! -Father Arthur Tonne, The Big Book of […]

    The Catholic and His Medals — Finer Femininity
    In these times of much evil, when truly the devil goes about “seeking whom he may devour”, let us make as much use of what Holy Mother Church gives us in order to put on our “armor” for each day, dodging the attacks that may come upon us!

    -Father Arthur Tonne, The Big Book of Sacramentals


    “For every creature of God is good, and nothing is to be rejected that is accepted with thanksgiving. For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer.” – I Timothy, 4:4

    The magazine, Ave Maria, of May 2, 1942, reported a human interest story sent in by a war correspondent. It concerned a certain Second Lieut. Clarence Sanford, a pursuit pilot, whose life was saved by the medal he wore.

    When he became separated from five other American fighter planes, he lost his way in the South Pacific. His fuel ran low, and he was forced down into the gulf of Carpentaria which indents Australia on the north. He was over two miles from the closest island. He stripped off his clothes and began to swim. He made the beach but fell exhausted in a sound slumber.

    He awoke to see two natives leaning over him with the points of their spears aimed at his chest. Suddenly their expressions changed; they noticed the medal about Sanford’s neck. In difficult English one of them declared: “All right, Jesus No. 1 Man.”

    The natives helped the exhausted flyer to a mission nearby, the only civilized spot within 500 miles. From there he finally made his way back to his squadron.

    A medal saved that soldier’s life.

    Similar instances of physical protection secured through the wearing of a religious medal are so numerous that one cannot question the heavenly aid which they secure for the body of man.

    Much more important, however, is the spiritual aid which they give to those who wear them devoutly and thoughtfully. That is the principal reason Mother Church approves and fosters the wearing of them. It is putting another creature–metal from the earth–to a sacred use.

    Religious medals are pieces of metal resembling coins of various sizes and shapes. They are designed to increase devotion, to commemorate some religious event, to protect the soul and body of the wearer, and to serve as a badge of membership in some society, sodality, or other spiritual group.

    When they are blessed, they become sacramentals. Some blessed medals also bring indulgences to the one who uses them.

    Religious medals have been used from the dawn of Christianity. Many have been found in the catacombs, with the name of Christ and figures of the saints upon them.

    In the Middle Ages certain souvenirs in the form of medals were brought home as keepsakes by pilgrims to famous shrines and places of devotion.

    In 1950 many who visit Rome will bring home some such reminder of their pilgrimage. The variety of medals is almost without limit as to size, shape, color, weight, type of material, and especially purpose.

    We might divide them into three principal groups:

    1.Those in honor of our Lord, like the medal of the Sacred Heart, the Savior of the World, the Holy Childhood, the Infant of Prague, and the Ecce Homo or Behold the Man medal. We even have a medal representing the Holy Spirit as a dove.

    2.Those in honor of the Blessed Virgin are numerous: The Sorrowful Mother, Our Lady of Victory, Mount Carmel, Good Counsel, Perpetual Help, Lourdes, Guadalupe and Fatima. The Miraculous Medal is perhaps the best known and most widely worn.

    In 1830 our Immaculate Mother appeared several times to a young French nun, Sister Catherine Laboure. She appeared as if in an oval picture, standing on a globe, half of which was visible. Mary was clothed in a white robe and a mantle of shining blue.

    Her hands seemed covered with diamonds. Rays shone from these diamonds upon the earth. A voice explained: “These rays are symbolic of the graces Mary obtains for men, and the point upon which they fall most abundantly is France.”

    Around the picture in golden letters were these words: “O Mary! Conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.”

    On the reverse is the letter “M” surmounted by a cross, having a bar at its base. Beneath the “M” are the hearts of Jesus and Mary. Mary asked that medals be struck from this model. These miraculous medals are highly treasured.

    3.We also wear medals in honor of the saints–St. Joseph, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Dominic, St. Anthony, St. Aloysius, St. Agnes, St. Ann, St. Christopher, the Little Flower, St. Benedict and many others.

    4.Another group includes those in honor of religious events like First Communion, Confirmation, jubilees, Eucharistic Congresses, and the Holy Year. These coin-like sacramentals have three meanings: for the person who wears them; for the person who sees them; with regard to Christ, Mary and the saints represented.

    1.For the wearer—

    a.A medal is a means of power. It helps the wearer to share in the rich treasures of prayer and good works of the Church. Definitely there is no superstition in this. We do not expect that piece of metal to save us, but we do expect, and rightly, that when we honor those represented, we will share in their good works.

    b.It is a reminder that the wearer must be worthy to carry the representation of such holy people.

    c.It prompts the one using this sacramental to perform every act in way worthy of it.

    2.For those who see it—

    a.If Catholics, they recognize the wearer as one of their faith, just as the natives with their menacing spears recognized the pilot of our story.

    b.If non-Catholics, they know this Catholic is not ashamed of his faith.

    3.For those whose image it bears, the medal—

    a.Is a source of honor and veneration.

    b.A reminder of the virtues and influence of that individual. Again we emphasize that you don’t have to wear a medal or medals to be a Catholic, no more than you had to wear a dog-tag or identification disc as a soldier during the war.

    But–the medal identifies you. It wins for you the heavenly help of the one pictured upon it. It tells others about your faith. It reminds you constantly that you must be worthy to wear it. Make the most of this sacramental. Amen.

    St. Benedict Medal

    You can make your greatest contribution to your family as the heart of your home. From you, your children should learn to love others and to give of themselves unstintingly in the spirit of sacrifice. Never underestimate the importance of your role. -Rev. George Kelly, The Catholic Family Handbook, 1950’s (afflink)

    Finer Femininity “Brother and Sister” Aprons! Made with care and detail. Available here.

    The rosary, scapulars, formal prayers and blessings, holy water, incense, altar candles. . . . The sacramentals of the Holy Catholic Church express the supreme beauty and goodness of Almighty God. The words and language of the blessings are beautiful; the form and art of statues and pictures inspire the best in us. The sacramentals of themselves do not save souls, but they are the means for securing heavenly help for those who use them properly. A sacramental is anything set apart or blessed by the Church to excite good thoughts and to help devotion, and thus secure grace and take away venial sin or the temporal punishment due to sin. This beautiful compendium of Catholic sacramentals contains more than 60,000 words and over 50 full color illustrations that make the time-tested sacramental traditions of the Church – many of which have been forgotten since Vatican II – readily available to every believer.

    Preparing for Pentecost – Maria von TrappAscension Thursday is just around the corner….Thursday, May 21st. Then follows Pentecost Sunday….May 31st. The following is a lovely excerpt from Maria von…
    No Mass? Take Heart! The Amazing Efficacy of a Spiritual Communion….Many of us may not have access to Mass in the next few weeks. We must pray….and take heart! Once you read this you will realize you have, right at your…
    maryarcMay 8, 2019Oh thank you, that is lovely to read!Reply1Like
    La Maison du Sacre CoeurMay 15, 2019Lots to think about here. I’ve been to the shrine of the Immaculate Medal in Paris – at the end of the mass when they sang the Hail Mary (you may have heard it sung when Notre Dame was on fire) my soul was filled with such joy.
    I truly believe in the Church’s teaching on Mary. However I’ve always struggled with praying the rosary. I reentered the Church through Protestantism and the charge of idolatry still rings in my ears. This has persuaded me that perhaps I should wear my medal bought there and pray the rosary for one month and……I don’t know. See what happens.
    God bless. Thanks for a lovely post.
    Novena to the Most Pure Heart of Mary: — Mary’s Secretary
    Posted bysamo lucija June 11, 2020 Leave a commenton Novena to the Most Pure Heart of Mary: — Mary’s Secretary EditNovena to the Most Pure Heart of Mary: — Mary’s SecretaryIn 1805, Pope Pius VII instituted the feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary; it was not until 1944 that Pope Pius XII would add to the Roman Rite Calendar, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (August 22nd). This glorious feast of the Most Pure Heart has been practiced since 1647 by […]Novena to the Most Pure Heart of Mary: — Mary’s Secretary
    Novena to the Most Pure Heart of Mary:
    32m agoIn 1805, Pope Pius VII instituted the feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary; it was not until 1944 that Pope Pius XII would add to the Roman Rite Calendar, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (August 22nd). This glorious feast of the Most Pure Heart has been practiced since 1647 by Saint John Eudes and quickly gained popularity all over France. Eudes, soon after composed the prayers for the Divine Office and gained approval of it in 1648; it was eventually adopted by many religious congregations in his native France. Now, this ancient feast is celebrated on the Saturday after Corpus Christi following the feast of the Sacred Heart. It is no mere coincidence these two principle feasts are placed side by side (just as the First Friday is next to the First Saturday). This should evermore remind us of Our Lord’s ardent request at Fatima, that He desires to see devotion to His Mother’s Heart placed beside devotion to His Sacred Heart. For Their Heart(s) truly beat as One.Nine Day Novena to the Most Pure Heart ( Begun on Corpus Christi):
    Novena can be used for the Immaculate Heart, starts nine days before August 22nd.
    Daily prayer during Novena:
    O’ Queen of Heaven, at Fatima You promised salvation to those who embrace true devotion to Your Immaculate Heart; today we come to Your Majesty ready to make reparation for all the sins committed against Thy Most Pure Heart. You see, Good Mother, we only desire to make You known and loved; cherished and chosen. We desire with Your Chaste Son, to see Your Sorrowful Heart triumph. ~Amen~Jesus, it is for love of You, the conversion of sinners and as an act of reparation for all the sins made against the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Three times).Day 1- Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
    Mary, Your Heart is our daily food, our nourishment. In It, we find God, and God alone. In our lifetime, we beg the Good God to place devotion to Your Heart beside devotion to the Sacred and Divine Heart of His Son. Place in our hearts the yearning and love of the feast(s) of Your Most Pure Heart and Your Most Immaculate Heart. As a Queen sits next to Her King, may we see Your pierced Heart placed beside His Eucharistic Heart. Our love for You and Your Perfect Heart is weak and imperfect, from this day forth we come to Your Queenship ready to love You evermore. We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-il_794xN.1921091369_1m08
    Day 2- The Holy Father:
    young pope
    Dearest Queen, at Fatima you said the Holy Father would have much to suffer. In the vision, You showed a future pope and a bishop dressed in white, Lucia said: “we had the impression it was the Holy Father.” This pope would be seen martyred in a half ruined city among other religious. The Vatican has kept secret Your Majesty’s words explaining the vision. As we walk forward in the fog, we pray that The Holy Father will reveal the secret in it’s entirety so we can better understand the meaning of this mystery. A vision still unfulfilled. We know disasters can be averted if we entrust ourselves to Your Immaculate Heart, and with little Jacinta, offer up every sacrifice for the Holy Father to receive the grace he so urgently needs to heed Your requests from 1917.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 3- All the Bishops of the World:
    PopeBenedictAustralianBishops_2011_CNS-850 (2)
    Good Mother, at Akita You warned that there would come a time where Holy Church would see cardinal apposing cardinal; bishop against bishop. It would appear we are in those times; we come to You this day to place in the tender care of Your Immaculate Heart all the bishops of the world. You also warned priests devoted to Your Queenship would be scorned and oppressed by their confreres.We beg of You to obtain the grace for these shepherds, to be faithful and pleasing to Your Divine Son- even amid persecution. At Fatima, Your Grace warned that there would be an apostasy in the Church starting at the top of the Catholic hierarchy. We are indeed, at present, suffering a diabolical disorientation and many souls are being led astray by our bishops. May You open their eyes and hearts to Your Pure Heart, Church teachings and loyalty to Your ignored Fatima message.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 4- First Saturday Devotion:
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    Devout Virgin, we come before Your throne of grace ready to console Your Most Pure Heart. Our Lord told Sister Lucia that His Heart was moved to establish a devotion that would remove the five principle thorns that pierce Our Mother’s Broken Heart:The blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
    Against Her Perpetual Virginity.
    Against Her Divine Maternity, refusing at the same time to accept Her as Mother of all mankind.
    Those who try publicly to implant in the children’s hearts, indifference, contempt and even hate against this Immaculate Mother.
    Those who insult Her directly in Her sacred images.
    The thought of causing You anymore pain is unbearable, therefore, we wish to be faithful in observing the practice of the First Saturday Devotion, not just for the first five consecutive Saturdays, but ALL to come. With Lucia of Fatima, may we echo her cry:I never feel so happy as when First Saturday arrives…We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 5- Consecration of Russia:
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    Sister Lucia lamented,The Consecration of Russia has not been done as Our Lady demanded it. I was not able to say it because I did not have permission of the Holy See.Gentle Mother, we know that the triumph of Your Heart followed by the sweet era of peace can only come with the proper consecration of Russia. This day, we come to Your Ladyship and pray specifically for the Holy Father to come in union with all the bishops of the world on one solemn occasion and consecrate Russia to Your Immaculate Heart. With Lucia we cry from the depths of our hearts,No! Not the world! Russia! Russia!The evil one knows that when this consecration is done, Your Heart will triumph at that moment. We know this, because when Your servant Lucia asked Our Lord why He would not convert Russia without the pope, He answered that through that particular Consecration, Jesus wants the whole Church to recognize that act as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Our good God does not need to work through His priests, but He is showing the authority bestowed upon His clergy, in particular the Holy Father and the bishops. The power they can possess when they are in union. What better way to show this great unity, O’ Blessed Queen, than to come together for this Consecration!We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 6- Our Lady of the Holy Rosary:
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    O’ Great Lady of the Rosary, we know this triumphant weapon of prayer resembles the sword. How can we go to battle against principalities and powers unarmed? You introduced Yourself at Fatima with this glorious title and we come to Your Feet crying on bended knee: Hail Mary! We desire to be in the army of Your Most Pure, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart; may we never put down the sword but ever carry it at our side all the days of our lives.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 7- Our Lady of Seven Sorrows:
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    Mother crucified in Thy Heart, we cry with Thee; we understand that devotion to Your Heart means devotion to Your Sorrows. The Church has proclaimed that this very name earned You the title of “Co-redemptrix”. It is a great wonder, O’ Virgin of virgins, that Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is the Patron of exorcists; is it not Your tears that make things clean? If “to consecrate” means “to be made clean”, certainly a Consecration of Russia can be seen as that poor nation being made holy with Your precious tears, by transforming this Republic into a mighty instrument of Your Heart. Mary, joining our tears to Yours we beg of Your Grace to wash the world of it’s sins, crimes and offenses made against God the Father. With Your Divine Son we wish to avert God’s justice and bring upon the world His great and unfathomable mercy, which can only come through Your Humble Heart. We meditate this day on the great mystery of Your having appeared on October 13th 1917 as Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, while at Fatima.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 8- Our Lady of Mount Carmel:
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    “Star of the Sea”, Our Carmelite Father Simon Stock called You; we thank Your Highness for the glorious gift of Your Scapular of Mount Carmel. As it was revealed to a holy soul, the three things Satan fears the most: The Holy Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary and the Scapular of Carmel. In no other sacred object do You promise more certainty of salvation as You do for wearing the Scapular. O’ Mary; You showed Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta the vision of Hell, but immediately reminded the world how to avoid going there, simply by wearing Your Carmelite garment, which as we know is the sign of our being consecrated to Your Immaculate Heart. Like the Rosary, we promise to never be without our “armor”, we need the sword as much as we need our shield. As Lucia said, the Holy Rosary and the Scapular of Carmel are inseparable. And as You said to Saint Simon Stock:One day through the Scapular and the Rosary I will save the world.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer-Day 9- Third Secret of Fatima:
    On this final day, O’ Valiant Queen, we recognize You as Virgo Potens (Virgin Most Powerful). It has been confirmed by Church officials that the third secret of Fatima contained two envelopes: one of the vision of a Holy Father martyred, and the other containing Your words explaining this prophecy of the pope. As the latter has yet to be revealed, we understand that it’s publication is long overdue, as You requested it’s contents be released in 1960. We come to Your Queenship, today, in 2020 knowing that it is late, but asking that You will have mercy on the clergy who keep it hidden. Give them the grace and light to understand that Fatima is the message and remedy for our times and without it, Your Immaculate Heart cannot triumph if Your warnings for mankind are not heeded. The Pope and bishops have only one task: the Consecration of Russia; We lay faithful: Your First Saturday Devotion. As we all have a role to play, Good Mother, we ask pardon of the sins made against Thee, and thank Your Most Pure Heart for all the graces you have bestowed on us.We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).-Recite daily prayer above-707C261F-A745-457C-B83C-E0B0704C5E2D
    Feast day of the Most Pure Heart of Mary- final prayer of thanksgiving:
    Mary, on this most joyous occasion and feast day we offer ourselves to You completely, like Therese, as little victims of holocaust- to bring about the triumph of Your Most Pure and Immaculate Heart. Like the sixteen Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne, who offered themselves as victims as a community to end the French Revolution’s “Reign of Terror”. Lovely Maiden of Heaven, Our Lord heard those requests, please accept ours as well, as we truly desire only one thing: to love Thee as You deserve to be loved! As Jacinta said,Tell everybody that God grants us graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask Her for them; and that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at His side. Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her. If I could only put into the hearts of all, the fire that is burning within my own heart, and that makes me love the Hearts of Jesus and Mary so very much . . .MORE IN MARY’S SECRETARY
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    Follow conversation1 COMMENTDvadeseta nedjelja kroz godinu
    Homiliju 20. nedjelje kroz godinu napisao je vlč. Dalibor Pilekić. Tijelo je moje jelo istinsko, krv je moja piće istinsko. (Iv 6, 51-58)„ U ono vrijeme: Reče Isus mnoštvu: »Ja sam kruh živi koji je s neba sišao. Tko bude jeo od ovoga kruha, živjet će uvijeke. Kruh koji ću ja dati tijelo je moje – za život svijeta.«Židovi se nato među sobom prepirahu: »Kako nam ovaj može dati tijelo svoje za jelo?« Reče im stoga Isus: »Zaista, zaista, kažem vam: ako ne jedete tijela Sina Čovječjega i ne pijete krvi njegove, nemate života u sebi! Tko blaguje tijelo moje i pije krv moju, ima život vječni; i ja ću ga uskrisiti u posljednji dan. Tijelo je moje jelo istinsko, krv je moja piće istinsko. Tko jede moje tijelo i pije moju krv, u meni ostaje i ja u njemu. Kao što je mene poslao živi Otac i ja živim po Ocu, tako i onaj koji mene blaguje živjet će po meni. Ovo je kruh koji je s neba sišao, ne kao onaj koji jedoše očevi i pomriješe. Tko jede ovaj kruh, živjet će uvijeke.«“Riječ Božja nam već nekoliko nedjelja govori o hrani neophodnoj za dobar ljudski život. Danas slušamo kulminaciju tog govora.Knjiga Izreka u prvom čitanju šalje univerzalni poziv na puni pristup vječnoj Mudrosti – Mudrosti koja se uosobila u osobi Isusa iz Nazareta. Ta Mudrost blaguje se slušajući i živeći Riječ Božju i nagrađuje one koji je blaguju životom vječnim.Ovu misao Starog Zavjeta Isus dovodi do savršene jasnoće. Malo gdje je Isus toliko precizno jasan kao u današnjem svjedočanstvu o sebi samome. Upravo je zbog toga važno poslušati što nam to svjedočanstvo govori. Isus predstavlja sebe kao ultimativnu hranu – hranu koja sve određuje – hranu koja čini razliku između vječnog života i vječne smrti.Isus kao hrana nudi se svima. Uvjet je samo jedan: spremno čisto srce koje vjeruje u Isusa. Sve ostale stvarnosti postaju nevažne: je li netko bogat ili siromašan, Židov ili pogan, rob ili slobodnjak, ove ili one boje kože,… Isus svoj poziv upućuje svima i objašnjava strahovitu važnost tog poziva.Onaj tko blaguje Isusa ima u sebi život vječni! Onaj tko ga odbija blagovati nema života u sebi! Prianjanje uz Isusa ili odbacivanje Isusa predstavlja našu konačnu odluku koja se onda potvrđuje u trenutku naše smrti.Ovih dana slavimo mnoge velike svece. Danas slavimo svetog Roka – zaštitnika od bolesti kuge. Svi sveci su snagu crpili iz samog Isusa: hranili su se njime u svetoj Pričesti, te u poslušnosti Njegovoj riječi. Time nam jasno svjedoče o jedinom putu što vodi u nebo – a taj je sam Isus.Zanimljivo je u tom svjetlu gledati naše suvremenike. Kad im doktori propišu lijekove kako bi ponovo došli do zdravlja ljudi su vrlo poslušni. Premda ti lijekovi nisu ugodni, a ponekad su terapije kroz koje moraju proći i vrlo bolne i neugodne – ljudi ipak pristaju na sve ne bi li kako došli do zdravlja. S druge strane Isus nam nudi daleko veću vrijednost – i to potpuno besplatno. Hranjenje Isusom ne izaziva nikakve bolne posljedice, ali kad treba uzeti hranu života vječnoga – onda se mnogi nećkaju.Čovjek danas mašta o fontani života – kako bi mogao živjeti vječno mlad. No, kad nam Isus ponudi istinsku fontanu života: svoje Tijelo i Krv – onda se radije okrećemo nedohvatljivom maštanju nego da prihvatimo stvarnu ponudu.Zahvalni Bogu što nam daje sebe kao hranu nastojmo ga istinski nasljedovati i donositi plodove života vječnoga kako bi i drugi to isto poželjeli i pridružili se Životu.„Sveti Rok – moli za nas!“


  8. iman spot djece ubijenoga tomislava STOP THE WAR IN CROATIA IVCICA .

    Molitva svetom Anti u svakoj potrebi
    Spomeni se, sv. Ante, da si uvijek pomagao i tješio sve koji su se tebi utjecali u svojim potrebama.

    S čvrstim pouzdanjem preporučam se i ja tvom moćnom zagovoru kod Boga. Ne odbij moje prošnje i svojim posredovanjem kod Boga isprosi mi – ako je za dobro moje duše – milost… za koju te molim. Pomozi mi u ovoj mojoj potrebi i nevolji! Blagoslovi mene, moj rad, moju obitelj i sve moje drage, čuvaj nas od bolesti i pogibli duše i tijela! Sve nas krijepi da u boli i kušnji ostanemo čvrsti u vjeri i ustrajni u ljubavi. Amen.

    Sv. Antun Padovanski – čudotvorac za života
    2h ago
    Sv. Antun Padovanski – čudotvorac za života

    Razna čudesa

    Domenico Beccafumi: Sv. Antun i čudo s magarcom, koji se poklonio hostiji.

    Malo je svetaca u katoličkoj Crkvi, po kojima je Bog tvorio tolika i tako vanredna čudesa kao što je tvorio po sv. Antunu i na njegov zagovor. Sv. Antun proživio je svoju mladost u Portugalu i nije se bavio učenjem jezika. Ipak je u svojim propovijedima tako lijepo govorio talijanski i francuski te se činilo, da je te jezike učio od mladosti. Jedna gospođa je jednom željela slušati propovijedi sv. Antuna, a to joj nije dozvolio njezin opaki muž.Ona ode na gornji kat na prozor i tu je čula propovijed posve jasno, iako je sv. Antun propovijedao cio sat daleko. Kad je to kazala svome mužu i on se svojim ušima o tome osvjedočio, obrati se i rado je slušao riječ Božju.

    Druga jedna gospođa htjede na svaki način slušati propovijed sv. Antuna i ostavi svoje dijete samo kod kuće. Dijete kao dijete upade u kotao pun vrele vode. Kad se vratila kući nađe dijete u vreloj vodi, gdje se igra. Očito je sam Bog po svome ugodniku očuvao dijete o sigurne smrti.

    Opet druga gospođa vrativši se s propovijedi svečeve nađe u kolijevki mrtvo dijete. Odmah otrči k svecu i zavapi za pomoć. Sv. Antun reče joj gospodinove riječi iz sv. Evanđelja: Idi, sin tvoj živi. I doista nađe kod kuće dijete, kako se sa svojim prijateljima igra.

    Iza jedne propovijedi sv. Antun tako se raskaja jedan grješnik, te je stao glasno plakati. Ode sv. Antunu, da se ispovijedi, ali ne može od suza. Kad to vidje svetac, reče mu, neka ode, napiše svoje grijehe i njemu ih donese. Čim svetac pogleda napisane grijehe, isčeznuše sva slova. Po tom su i on i grješnik upoznali, da su grijesi oprošteni.

    Radi silnog svijeta propovijedao jednom sv. Antun pod vedrim nebom, kad se u čas pojave crni oblaci uz grmljavinu i gromove. Slušatelji su gledali kako da izmaknu oluji, a svetac ih sve zaustavi i reče im, neka se ništa ne boje, jer oni neće pokisnuti. I doista cijela okolina bi natopljena jakom kišom, a na slušatelje ne padne ni kap.

    Sv. Antun propovijeda ribama
    Kako je bilo rečeno u doba sv. Antuna haralo je manihejsko krivovjerje pod raznim imenima, koje je već sv. Augustin sjajno pobijao. U toj nevolji podiže Bogu Crkvi svojoj sv. Franju i sv. Dominika i njihovim redovima jake stupove; oni su krivovjerce snažno pobijali učenošću, propovijedanjem i molitvom. Tu se osobito isticao sv. Antun. Osobito je od toga krivovjerja bio zaražen grad Rimini. Revni biskupi ovoga grada molili su u pape revnih misionara. Kad je u tom poslu tamo prispio sv. Antun, pobojaše se krivovjerci i nagovoriše puk, neka ga ne slušaju. I doista kod propovijedi sv. Antuna nije bilo drugih do nekoliko žena i staraca. Uza sve to svom revnošću je propovijedao naš svetac, tako te kad to začuše odmetnici, odluče da ga pogube. Čuvši za to sv. Antun povuče se u samoću, molio je i postio, ne bi li Bog omekšao srce zavedenog puka. Okrijepljen molitvom i postom ode na obalu, te vikne ribama iz sveg glasa: Dođite, nerazumne ribe, da čujete riječ Gospodina, koji vas je stvorio, na sramotu ljudima, koji zatvaraju uši i srce glasu Božjem i ostaju u bludnji. Mnogo se bilo sabralo i ljudi, što iz radoznalosti, što da se narugaju. A gle! Istom što je svetac progovorio, uzbiba se more i silan broj riba svake vrsti i veličine dopliva k obali i uzdiže po koji put glavu, poreda se mirno u polukrugu sve dalje i dalje, pa pozorno i mirno slušaše riječ sv. Antuna. Svijet je bio kao zapanjen i gledao, što će se sada zbiti. Na to prozbori svetac: Hvalite, ribe, Gospodina, slavite svoga stvoritelja, zahvaljujte mu, što vam je za stan dao neizmjernu vodu s mnogim zakloništima protiv nepogoda, što vam je dao jasnu i prozirnu vodu, da vidite svoje putove te izbjegnete neprijateljima svojim. Taj Bog blagoslovio vas je kod stvorenja i pripravio vam izobilja hrane, nadario vas plodonošću za umnožavanje vašega potomstva. Hvalite Bogu nad tolikim izvr snostima i slobodi, koju vam je poklonio. Vas je stvoritelj od svakog gospodstva živih, u općem potopu vas je uzdržao na životu. Vašom pomoću je Bog svome proroku Joni dao trodnevni boravak i iscijelio slijepoga Tobiju. Vi ste dale Gospodinu porez za njega i njegove učenike. Vi ste hrana pokornicima, koji se uzdržavaju od mesa. Vašeg mesa htjede Gospodin jesti, da tako neoborivo dokaže istinitost svoje ljudske naravi i svoga uskrsnuća. Da, sam je Gospodin hodao po vašoj vodi povrh vašihglava; on je od ribara učinio svoje apostole i ribare ljudi; s toga vas je toliko ugnao u njihove mreže.

    Čudoviti putovi sv. Antuna

    Često puta, pojavio se, sv. Antun na dalekim mjestima tako, da nije ostavio mjesta, na kojem je bio. Mnoge su osobe izjavile, da im je se svetac u snu pojavio i opomenuo ih, neka ispovijede grijehe, za koje je samo Bog znao. Jednom je propovijedao u glavnoj crkvi u Montpelieru i sjeto se, da nije nikoga bio odredio mjesto sebe kod braće, da pjeva svečani gradual. Žalostan radi toga nasloni se glavom na propovjedaonicu i u isti čas bio je među braćom svojom i pjevao. Tako je Bog na sv. Antunu obnovio čudo što se zbilo i sa sv. Ambrozijem. O ovom svecu pripovijeda se, da je jednom kod mise na oltaru u Milanu kao usnuo i u isto doba bio kod sprovoda sv. Martina u Tursu.

    Dok je sv. Antun bio u Padovi, okriviše njegova oca Martina radi umorstva, te bi on s cijelom obitelji odveden u tamnicu i stavljen pred sud, a to s toga, jer se u njegovom vrtu našlo jedno mrtvo tijelo, koje su razbojnici tamo bacili. Svetac po objavi Božjoj saznade za pogibelj, u kojoj mu se otac nalazio, te zamoli glavare svoje, da ga puste iz samostana, a anđeo ga odnese u Lisabon. Odmah sutradan ode pred suca i zamoli ga, neka mu oca oslobode, jer nije nipošto kriv za umorstvo. Kad ga sudac ne htjede poslušati, zatraži lješinu ubijenoga. Sluga Božji zapovjedi mrtvome u ime Isusa, neka ustane i pred svima kaže, da nije njegovoj smrti kriv ni otac ni itko iz obitelji očeve. U taj čas ustade mrtvac i izjavi, da Martin i njegova družina nije ni u čemu skrivila njegovoj smrti. Iza ovih riječi mrtvac opet usne. Tako je sv. Antun povratio dobar glas ocu i obitelji. Na to je sv. Antun ostao jedan dan u Lisabonu i onda ga u noći anđeo opet odnese u Padovu.

    Još jednom je naš svetac ovako čudno putovao u Lisabon poradi svoga oca. Kako je ovaj bio poštenjak, vjerovao je svijetu i kroz više godina upravljajućikraljevskim novcem nije tražio svake namire. S toga bi protiv njega podignutaistraga. Budući da nije mogao o svemu položiti točnih računa, bio je u pogibelji, da plati silne svote. Svetac je i ovo saznao po objavljenju Božjem i opet je po anđelu preko noći otišao u Lisabon te kazao, kuda je sve rabio kraljevski novac otac njegov tako točno jasno, te je ovaj bio riješen optužbe. Svetac se o pet vrati u istim načinom u svoj samostan.

    Sv. Antun s malim Isusom

    Gaetano Lapis:Sv. Antun i Isus

    Svoju snagu pri obraćanju grješnika crpio je sv. Antun od Boga vanrednim načinom. Jednoga dana propovijedaše u Camposampieru. Onda ga k sebi pozove jedan građanin i dade mu sobicu na sami, da može mirno razmatrati i znanošću se baviti. Svetac je svu noć probdio u molitvi. Kad je taj građanin obilazio kuću, da razvidi, da li je sve u redu, pogleda iz radoznalosti u sobicu sv. Antuna kroz prozor i vidje ga, kako u rukama drži i grli krasno djetešce. Tu pojavu ne mogaše građanin sebi objasniti. Djetešce se javi sv. Antunu i reče, da je Isus. Iza molitve opazi sv. Antun onog građanina i zabrani mu govoriti o tome, što je vidio i čuo, dokle god on živi. Taj dobri građanin održa svoju riječ i istom iza smrti svečeve razglasi to viđenje maloga Isusa, kako se sad obično i slika sv. Antun.

    Sv. Antun proriče
    Kao gvardijan u samostanu u Puy-u susretne sv. Ante nekog bilježnika, poznata kao raskalašenog grješnika. Sv. Ante skine kapicu pred njim i pokloni mu se s velikim poštovanjem. Bilježnik misleći, da mu se svetac ruga, zaprijeti mu se mačem radi uvrede. Svetac odvrati, da mu nije ni na kraj pameti bilo, da ga naruži, nego da ga iskreno poštiva, jer će on jednom biti mučenik za vjeruIsusovu; ujedno ga zamoli, ne bi li se i njega sjetio u svojim mukama. Bilježnik se hladno osmjehnu, ali uskoro se ispuni proročanstvo sv. Ante. Jedan biskupzaputi se u Palestinu, da propovijeda saracenima, a onaj bilježnik u pratnji biskupa tako se oduševi u revnosti, da je i sam počeo propovijedati našu sv. vjeru. Radi toga raspale se tvrdoglavi saraceni, uhvate ga i tri dana grozno mučiše, dok u mukama ne svrši život. Na samrti ispripovjedi što mu je sv. Ante prorekao i izjavi, da ga moraju držati za velikog proroka.

    Jednom zamole sv. Antuna da reče nadgrobno slovo na sprovodu nekog lihvara, koji je krivičnim načinom bio stekao silno bogatstvo. Svoj govor otpoče riječima iz sv. Evanđelja; Gdje je vaše blago tamo će biti i vaše srce. Na koncu govora reče pokojnikovoj rodbini, neka otvore sanduke pokojnika i tamo će naći njegovo srce. I doista otišavši kući i otvorivši sanduke nađu među novcima još vruće srce pokojnog lihvara.

    Sv. Ante strah nečistih duhova
    Jednoga dana propovijedaše sv. Ante u Puy-u. Za propovijedi pristupi sotona u liku glasonoše k jednoj gospođi i reče joj, neka odmah ode s propovijedi, jer da su joj sina dušmani napali i ubili. Ali svetac odmah opazi varku sotone, dovikne gospođi, neka se ne uznemiruje, jer joj je sin potpuno zdrav i taj glasonoša da je nečisti duh. Tako je i bilo, ter ovaj iščezne kao dim.

    Kako je naš vanredni ugodnik Božji svakom riječi neumorno kršio vlast nečistoga duha na zemlji, upotrijebio je nečisti duh svako sredstvo, da sv. Antu uništi. Jednom ga prihvati za vrat i htjede ga udaviti. Ali svetac ga otjera riječima pjesme bl. Gospi. O slavna djevice, uzvišena na sve zvijezde.

    Drugi put slomi sotona propovjedaonicu, na kojoj je govorio sv. Ante. Tim je mislio utjerati strah i sveca i slušatelje te prekinuti propovijed. Ali svecu, koga su anđeli štitili, ništa se ne dogodi i puk, koga je on već prije sjetio na sotoninu zlobu, ostade posve miran. Narod donese drugi stol za propovijed, a sv. Ante nastavi oduševljeno riječ Božju.

    Josipa A

    5 timmar sedan Rapportera olämpligt innehåll
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    In 1805, Pope Pius VII instituted the feast of the Most Pure Heart of Mary; it was not until 1944 that Pope Pius XII would add to the Roman Rite Calendar, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (August 22nd). This glorious feast of the Most Pure Heart has been practiced since 1647 by Saint John Eudes and quickly gained popularity all over France. Eudes, soon after composed the prayers for the Divine Office and gained approval of it in 1648; it was eventually adopted by many religious congregations in his native France. Now, this ancient feast is celebrated on the Saturday after Corpus Christi following the feast of the Sacred Heart. It is no mere coincidence these two principle feasts are placed side by side (just as the First Friday is next to the First Saturday). This should evermore remind us of Our Lord’s ardent request at Fatima, that He desires to see devotion to His Mother’s Heart placed beside devotion to His Sacred Heart. For Their Heart(s) truly beat as One.

    Nine Day Novena to the Most Pure Heart ( Begun on Corpus Christi):
    Novena can be used for the Immaculate Heart, starts nine days before August 22nd.
    Daily prayer during Novena:
    O’ Queen of Heaven, at Fatima You promised salvation to those who embrace true devotion to Your Immaculate Heart; today we come to Your Majesty ready to make reparation for all the sins committed against Thy Most Pure Heart. You see, Good Mother, we only desire to make You known and loved; cherished and chosen. We desire with Your Chaste Son, to see Your Sorrowful Heart triumph. ~Amen~

    Jesus, it is for love of You, the conversion of sinners and as an act of reparation for all the sins made against the Immaculate Heart of Mary (Three times).
    Day 1- Devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary:
    Mary, Your Heart is our daily food, our nourishment. In It, we find God, and God alone. In our lifetime, we beg the Good God to place devotion to Your Heart beside devotion to the Sacred and Divine Heart of His Son. Place in our hearts the yearning and love of the feast(s) of Your Most Pure Heart and Your Most Immaculate Heart. As a Queen sits next to Her King, may we see Your pierced Heart placed beside His Eucharistic Heart. Our love for You and Your Perfect Heart is weak and imperfect, from this day forth we come to Your Queenship ready to love You evermore. We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 2- The Holy Father:

    Dearest Queen, at Fatima you said the Holy Father would have much to suffer. In the vision, You showed a future pope and a bishop dressed in white, Lucia said: “we had the impression it was the Holy Father.” This pope would be seen martyred in a half ruined city among other religious. The Vatican has kept secret Your Majesty’s words explaining the vision. As we walk forward in the fog, we pray that The Holy Father will reveal the secret in it’s entirety so we can better understand the meaning of this mystery. A vision still unfulfilled. We know disasters can be averted if we entrust ourselves to Your Immaculate Heart, and with little Jacinta, offer up every sacrifice for the Holy Father to receive the grace he so urgently needs to heed Your requests from 1917.

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 3- All the Bishops of the World:

    Good Mother, at Akita You warned that there would come a time where Holy Church would see cardinal apposing cardinal; bishop against bishop. It would appear we are in those times; we come to You this day to place in the tender care of Your Immaculate Heart all the bishops of the world. You also warned priests devoted to Your Queenship would be scorned and oppressed by their confreres.We beg of You to obtain the grace for these shepherds, to be faithful and pleasing to Your Divine Son- even amid persecution. At Fatima, Your Grace warned that there would be an apostasy in the Church starting at the top of the Catholic hierarchy. We are indeed, at present, suffering a diabolical disorientation and many souls are being led astray by our bishops. May You open their eyes and hearts to Your Pure Heart, Church teachings and loyalty to Your ignored Fatima message.

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 4- First Saturday Devotion:

    Devout Virgin, we come before Your throne of grace ready to console Your Most Pure Heart. Our Lord told Sister Lucia that His Heart was moved to establish a devotion that would remove the five principle thorns that pierce Our Mother’s Broken Heart:

    The blasphemies against the Immaculate Conception.
    Against Her Perpetual Virginity.
    Against Her Divine Maternity, refusing at the same time to accept Her as Mother of all mankind.
    Those who try publicly to implant in the children’s hearts, indifference, contempt and even hate against this Immaculate Mother.
    Those who insult Her directly in Her sacred images.
    The thought of causing You anymore pain is unbearable, therefore, we wish to be faithful in observing the practice of the First Saturday Devotion, not just for the first five consecutive Saturdays, but ALL to come. With Lucia of Fatima, may we echo her cry:

    I never feel so happy as when First Saturday arrives…
    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 5- Consecration of Russia:

    Sister Lucia lamented,

    The Consecration of Russia has not been done as Our Lady demanded it. I was not able to say it because I did not have permission of the Holy See.
    Gentle Mother, we know that the triumph of Your Heart followed by the sweet era of peace can only come with the proper consecration of Russia. This day, we come to Your Ladyship and pray specifically for the Holy Father to come in union with all the bishops of the world on one solemn occasion and consecrate Russia to Your Immaculate Heart. With Lucia we cry from the depths of our hearts,

    No! Not the world! Russia! Russia!
    The evil one knows that when this consecration is done, Your Heart will triumph at that moment. We know this, because when Your servant Lucia asked Our Lord why He would not convert Russia without the pope, He answered that through that particular Consecration, Jesus wants the whole Church to recognize that act as a triumph of the Immaculate Heart. Our good God does not need to work through His priests, but He is showing the authority bestowed upon His clergy, in particular the Holy Father and the bishops. The power they can possess when they are in union. What better way to show this great unity, O’ Blessed Queen, than to come together for this Consecration!

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 6- Our Lady of the Holy Rosary:

    O’ Great Lady of the Rosary, we know this triumphant weapon of prayer resembles the sword. How can we go to battle against principalities and powers unarmed? You introduced Yourself at Fatima with this glorious title and we come to Your Feet crying on bended knee: Hail Mary! We desire to be in the army of Your Most Pure, Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart; may we never put down the sword but ever carry it at our side all the days of our lives.

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 7- Our Lady of Seven Sorrows:

    Mother crucified in Thy Heart, we cry with Thee; we understand that devotion to Your Heart means devotion to Your Sorrows. The Church has proclaimed that this very name earned You the title of “Co-redemptrix”. It is a great wonder, O’ Virgin of virgins, that Our Lady of Seven Sorrows is the Patron of exorcists; is it not Your tears that make things clean? If “to consecrate” means “to be made clean”, certainly a Consecration of Russia can be seen as that poor nation being made holy with Your precious tears, by transforming this Republic into a mighty instrument of Your Heart. Mary, joining our tears to Yours we beg of Your Grace to wash the world of it’s sins, crimes and offenses made against God the Father. With Your Divine Son we wish to avert God’s justice and bring upon the world His great and unfathomable mercy, which can only come through Your Humble Heart. We meditate this day on the great mystery of Your having appeared on October 13th 1917 as Our Lady of Seven Sorrows, while at Fatima.

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 8- Our Lady of Mount Carmel:

    “Star of the Sea”, Our Carmelite Father Simon Stock called You; we thank Your Highness for the glorious gift of Your Scapular of Mount Carmel. As it was revealed to a holy soul, the three things Satan fears the most: The Holy Name of Jesus, the Holy Name of Mary and the Scapular of Carmel. In no other sacred object do You promise more certainty of salvation as You do for wearing the Scapular. O’ Mary; You showed Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta the vision of Hell, but immediately reminded the world how to avoid going there, simply by wearing Your Carmelite garment, which as we know is the sign of our being consecrated to Your Immaculate Heart. Like the Rosary, we promise to never be without our “armor”, we need the sword as much as we need our shield. As Lucia said, the Holy Rosary and the Scapular of Carmel are inseparable. And as You said to Saint Simon Stock:

    One day through the Scapular and the Rosary I will save the world.
    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer-

    Day 9- Third Secret of Fatima:
    On this final day, O’ Valiant Queen, we recognize You as Virgo Potens (Virgin Most Powerful). It has been confirmed by Church officials that the third secret of Fatima contained two envelopes: one of the vision of a Holy Father martyred, and the other containing Your words explaining this prophecy of the pope. As the latter has yet to be revealed, we understand that it’s publication is long overdue, as You requested it’s contents be released in 1960. We come to Your Queenship, today, in 2020 knowing that it is late, but asking that You will have mercy on the clergy who keep it hidden. Give them the grace and light to understand that Fatima is the message and remedy for our times and without it, Your Immaculate Heart cannot triumph if Your warnings for mankind are not heeded. The Pope and bishops have only one task: the Consecration of Russia; We lay faithful: Your First Saturday Devotion. As we all have a role to play, Good Mother, we ask pardon of the sins made against Thee, and thank Your Most Pure Heart for all the graces you have bestowed on us.

    We also place in Your care the following requests if it be in line with the Divine Will (mention your intention).

    -Recite daily prayer above-

    Feast day of the Most Pure Heart of Mary- final prayer of thanksgiving:
    Mary, on this most joyous occasion and feast day we offer ourselves to You completely, like Therese, as little victims of holocaust- to bring about the triumph of Your Most Pure and Immaculate Heart. Like the sixteen Carmelite Martyrs of Compiegne, who offered themselves as victims as a community to end the French Revolution’s “Reign of Terror”. Lovely Maiden of Heaven, Our Lord heard those requests, please accept ours as well, as we truly desire only one thing: to love Thee as You deserve to be loved! As Jacinta said,

    “Tell everybody that God grants us graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask Her for them; and that the Heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be venerated at His side. Tell them also to pray to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for peace, since God has entrusted it to Her. If I could only put into the hearts of all, the fire that is burning within my own heart, and that makes me love the Hearts of Jesus and Mary so very much . . .”



  9. A Liturgy of Light

    (you may want to have an image, cross or icon and candle available)

    The Officiant greets the people with these words

    Ordinary Time

    Leader: Light and peace, in Jesus Christ our Lord.

    People: Thanks be to God.

    In Easter

    Officiant Alleluia. Christ is risen.

    People: The Lord is risen indeed. Alleluia.

    In Lent

    Officiant: Bless the Lord who forgives all our sins.

    People: His mercy endures for ever.

    (One of the following, or some other Short Lesson of Scripture appropriate to the occasion or to the season, may then be read)

    Jesus said, “You are the light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hid. No one lights a lamp to put it under a bucket, but on a lamp-stand where it gives light for everyone in the house. And you, like the lamp, must shed light among your fellow men, so that they may see the good you do, and give glory to your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

    Prayer for the Night


    Ordinary Time

    O Lord God Almighty, as you have taught us to call the evening, the morning, and the noonday one day; and have made the sun to know its going down: Dispel the darkness of our hearts, that by your brightness we may know you to be the true God and eternal light, living and reigning for ever and ever. Amen.


    Almighty and most merciful God, kindle within us the fire of love, that by its cleansing flame we may be purged of all our sins and made worthy to worship you in spirit and in truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Easter Season

    Eternal God, who led your ancient people into freedom by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night: Grant that we who walk in the light of your presence may rejoice in the liberty of the children of God; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Festivals of Saints

    Lord Christ, your saints have been the lights of the world in every generation: Grant that we who follow in their footsteps may be made worthy to enter with them into that heavenly country where you live and reign for ever and ever. Amen.

    A Candle may be lit near an image. The following hymn, or a metrical version of it, or some other hymn, is then sung

    O Gracious Light Phos hilaron

    O gracious Light, pure brightness of the everliving Father in heaven,

    O Jesus Christ, holy and blessed! Now as we come to the setting of the sun, and our eyes behold the vesper light, we sing your praises, O God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

    You are worthy at all times to be praised by happy voices, O Son of God, O Giver of life, and to be glorified through all the worlds.

    Litany for the Night Hours

    That this evening may be holy, good, and peaceful,

    Response: We entreat you, O Lord.

    That your holy angels may lead us in paths of peace and goodwill,

    Response: We entreat you, O Lord.

    That we may be pardoned and forgiven for our sins and offenses,

    We entreat you, O Lord.

    That there may be peace to your Church and to the whole world,

    We entreat you, O Lord.

    That we may depart this life in your faith and fear, and not be condemned before the great judgment seat of Christ,

    We entreat you, O Lord.

    That we may be bound together by your Holy Spirit in the communion of [______ and] all your saints, entrusting one another and all our life to Christ.

    Response: We entreat you, O Lord.


    Blessed are you, O Lord, the God of our ancestors, creator of the changes of day and night, giving rest to the weary, renewing the strength of those who are spent, bestowing upon us occasions of song in the evening. As you have protected us in the day that is past, so be with us in the coming night; keep us from every sin, every evil, and every fear; for you are our light and salvation, and the strength of our life. To you be glory for endless ages. Amen.

    An Order for Compline

    The Officiant begins

    The Lord Almighty grant us a peaceful night and a perfect end. Amen.

    Officiant Our help is in the Name of the Lord;

    People: The maker of heaven and earth.

    The Officiant: Let us confess our sins to God.

    (A moment of silence is observed)

    People: Almighty God, our heavenly Father: We have sinned against you, through our own fault, in thought, and word, and deed, and in what we have left undone. For the sake of your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, forgive us all our offenses; and grant that we may serve you in newness of life, to the glory of your Name. Amen.

    Officiant: May the Almighty God grant us forgiveness of all our sins, and the grace and comfort of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

    The Officiant: O God, make speed to save us.

    People: O Lord, make haste to help us.

    Officiant and People: Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

    ( Except in Lent, add Alleluia.)

    (One or more of the following Psalms are said.)

    Week 1

    Psalm 4 Cum invocarem

    1 Answer me when I call, O God, defender of my cause; * you set me free when I am hard-pressed; have mercy on me and hear my prayer. 2 “You mortals, how long will you dishonor my glory? * how long will you worship dumb idols and run after false gods?” 3 Know that the Lord does wonders for the faithful; * when I call upon the Lord, he will hear me. 4 Tremble, then, and do not sin; * speak to your heart in silence upon your bed. 5 Offer the appointed sacrifices * and put your trust in the Lord.

    6 Many are saying, “Oh, that we might see better times!” * Lift up the light of your countenance upon us, O Lord. 7 You have put gladness in my heart, * more than when grain and wine and oil increase. 8 I lie down in peace; at once I fall asleep; * for only you, Lord, make me dwell in safety.

    Psalm 31 In te, Domine, speravi

    1 In you, O Lord, have I taken refuge; let me never be put to shame: * deliver me in your righteousness. 2 Incline your ear to me; * make haste to deliver me. 3 Be my strong rock, a castle to keep me safe, for you are my crag and my stronghold; * for the sake of your Name, lead me and guide me. 4 Take me out of the net that they have secretly set for me, * for you are my tower of strength. 5 Into your hands I commend my spirit, * for you have redeemed me, O Lord, O God of truth.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: * as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

    Week 2

    Psalm 91 Qui habitat

    1 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High * abides under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 He shall say to the Lord, “You are my refuge and my stronghold, * my God in whom I put my trust.”

    3 He shall deliver you from the snare of the hunter * and from the deadly pestilence. 4 He shall cover you with his pinions, and you shall find refuge under his wings; * his faithfulness shall be a shield and buckler. 5 You shall not be afraid of any terror by night, * nor of the arrow that flies by day; 6 Of the plague that stalks in the darkness, * nor of the sickness that lays waste at mid-day. 7 A thousand shall fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, * but it shall not come near you. 8 Your eyes have only to behold * to see the reward of the wicked. 9 Because you have made the Lord your refuge, * and the Most High your habitation, 10 There shall no evil happen to you, * neither shall any plague come near your dwelling. 11 For he shall give his angels charge over you, * to keep you in all your ways. 12 They shall bear you in their hands, * lest you dash your foot against a stone. 13 You shall tread upon the lion and adder; * you shall trample the young lion and the serpent under your feet. 14 Because he is bound to me in love, therefore will I deliver him; * I will protect him, because he knows my Name.

    15 He shall call upon me, and I will answer him; * I am with him in trouble; I will rescue him and bring him to honor. 16 With long life will I satisfy him, * and show him my salvation.

    Psalm 134 Ecce nunc 1 Behold now, bless the Lord, all you servants of the Lord, * you that stand by night in the house of the Lord. 2 Lift up your hands in the holy place and bless the Lord; * the Lord who made heaven and earth bless you out of Zion.

    Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: * as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

    One of the following, or some other suitable passage of Scripture, is read

    Week 1

    Lord, you are in the midst of us, and we are called by your Name: Do not forsake us, O Lord our God. Jeremiah 14:9, 22

    People: Thanks be to God.

    Week 2

    Come to me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 11:28-30

    People: Thanks be to God. or the following

    In Easter Season or on Sunday

    May the God of peace, who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in you that which is pleasing in his sight; through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Hebrews 13:20-21

    People: Thanks be to God.

    In Lent

    Be sober, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith. 1 Peter 5:8-9a

    People: Thanks be to God.


    O Christ, you are both light and day,
    You drive away the shadowed night;
    As Daystar you precede the dawn,
    The Herald of the light to come.

    We pray you, O most holy Lord,
    To be our guardian while we sleep;
    Bestow on us who rest in you
    The blessing of a quiet night.

    Although our eyes in sleep be closed,
    Let hearts in constant vigil watch;
    With your right hand you will protect
    Those who believe and trust in you.

    O Christ, Redeemer of the world,
    O God, our Maker and our end,
    O Spirit, bond of peace and love,
    To you be thanks and endless praise.


    Leader: Into your hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit; For you have redeemed me, O Lord, O God of truth.

    People: Keep us, O Lord, as the apple of your eye; Hide us under the shadow of your wings.

    Lord, have mercy.

    Christ, have mercy.

    Lord, have mercy.

    Leader only: Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

    People: And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen

    Officiant Lord, hear our prayer;

    People: And let our cry come to you.

    Let us pray. The Officiant then says three of the following Collects

    Week 1

    Be our light in the darkness, O Lord, and in your great mercy defend us from all perils and dangers of this night; for the love of your only Son, our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

    Week 2

    Be present, O merciful God, and protect us through the hours of this night, so that we who are wearied by the changes and chances of this life may rest in your eternal changelessness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Week 1

    Look down, O Lord, from your heavenly throne, and illumine this night with your celestial brightness; that by night as by day your people may glorify your holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Week 2

    Visit this place, O Lord, and drive far from it all snares of the enemy; let your holy angels dwell with us to preserve us in peace; and let your blessing be upon us always; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    A Collect for Saturdays

    We give you thanks, O God, for revealing your Son Jesus Christ to us by the light of his resurrection: Grant that as we sing your glory at the close of this day, our joy may abound in the morning as we celebrate the Paschal mystery; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Week 1

    Keep watch, dear Lord, with those who work, or watch, or weep this night, and give your angels charge over those who sleep. Tend the sick, Lord Christ; give rest to the weary, bless the dying, soothe the suffering, pity the afflicted, shield the joyous; and all for your love’s sake. Amen.

    Week 2

    O God, your unfailing providence sustains the world we live in and the life we live: Watch over those, both night and day, who work while others sleep, and grant that we may never forget that our common life depends upon each other’s toil; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Silence may be kept, and free intercessions and thanksgivings may be offered. The service concludes with the Song of Simeon with this Antiphon, which is sung or said by all

    Song of Simeon

    Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace. In Easter Season, add Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

    Lord, you now have set your servant free * to go in peace as you have promised; For these eyes of mine have seen the Savior, * whom you have prepared for all the world to see: A Light to enlighten the nations, * and the glory of your people Israel. Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: * as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen.

    All repeat the Antiphon

    Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace. In Easter Season, add Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia.

    Officiant Let us bless the Lord.

    People Thanks be to God.

    Officiant: May the Divine assistance remain with us always.

    People: And with our loved ones everywhere.

    Officiant. The almighty and merciful Lord, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, bless us and keep us. Amen.

    Marian Anthem


    Holy mother of our Redeemer, thou gate leading to heaven and star of the sea; help the falling people who seek to rise, thou who, all nature wondering, didst give birth to thy holy Creator. Virgin always, hearing the greeting from Gabriel’s lips, take pity on sinners.

    Alma Redemptoris Mater, quae pervia caeli porta manes et stella maris, succurre cadenti, surgere qui curat, populo: tu quae genuisti, natura mirante, tuum sanctum genitorem, Virgo prius, ac posterius, Gabrielis ab ore sumens illud ave, peccatorum miserere.


    Hail, queen of heaven, hail lady of the angels. Hail, root, hail the door through which the Light of the world is risen. Rejoice, glorious Virgin, beautiful above all. Hail, O very fair one, and plead for us to Christ.

    Ave regina caelorum, ave domina angelorum: salve radix, salve porta, ex qua mundo lux est orta: Gaude Virgo, gloriosa, super omnes speciosa, vale o valde decora, et pro nobis Christum exora.


    Queen of heaven, rejoice, alleluia; for He whom thou was chosen to bear, alleluia; has risen as He said, alleluia; pray for us to God, alleluia.

    Regina caeli, laetare, alleluia; quia quem meruisti portare, alleluia; resurrexit sicut dixit, alleluia; ora pro nobis Deum, alleluia.

    Ordinary Time

    Hail holy queen, mother of mercy, hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this vale of tears. Turn then most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy towards us. And after this, our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, o loving, o sweet Virgin Mary.

    Salve Regina, mater misericordiae, vita, dulcedo, et spes nostra salve. Ad te clamamus, exules filii Evae. Ad te suspiramus, gementes et flentes, in hac lacrimarum valle. Eia ergo, advocate nostra, illos tuos misericordes oculos, ad nos converte. Et Jesum, benedictum fructum ventris tui, nobis post hoc exsilium ostende. O Clemens, o pia, o dulcis virgo Maria.

    1 COMMENTFollow conversation

    Some of us will remember celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi, perhaps as children. The Host, carried in a beautiful monstrance, was processed through the neighborhood, bringing blessing to all who gathered.The Ultimate Gift — Lavish Mercy
    The Ultimate Gift
    Jun 22, 2019Body and Blood of Christ
    Corpus Christi
    Ecclesia de Eucharistia
    Ivan Nicoletto
    Mystici Corporis
    The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of ChristSunday, June 23, 2019Click here for readingsToday, in Mercy, we celebrate a glorious feast, one through which we can trace the continuing evolution of Eucharistic theology.CorpusJPG
    Some of us will remember celebrating the Feast of Corpus Christi, perhaps as children. The Host, carried in a beautiful monstrance, was processed through the neighborhood, bringing blessing to all who gathered.processWhere did they get all those men!!!!While a rare occurrence today, and considered by some a saccharine expression of devotionalism, the practice was intended to convey a central belief of our faith. It is a belief whose theology continues to evolve and deepen with the passing years:In the gift of Eucharist,
    Jesus Christ has made us
    one Body with Him.
    We are One Body in Christ.A significant step in the evolution of this theology occured with the issuing of the encyclical MYSTICI CORPORIS CHRISTI ( Pope Pius XII, 1943). In this letter, we see a theology beginning to unfold to include not only Christ’s presence on the altar and in the Host, but in the very lives of the faithful.The Sacrament of the Eucharist is itself a striking and wonderful figure of the unity of the Church, if we consider how in the bread to be consecrated many grains go to form one whole,and that in it the very Author of supernatural grace is given to us, so that through Him we may receive the spirit of charity in which we are bidden to live now no longer our own life but the life of Christ, and to love the Redeemer Himself in all the members of His social Body.In his encyclical, ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA (2003), Pope John Paul II, expands this teaching:By the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost the Church was born and set out upon the pathways of the world, yet a decisive moment in her taking shape was certainly the institution of the Eucharist in the Upper Room. Her foundation and wellspring is the whole Triduum paschale, but this is as it were gathered up, foreshadowed and “concentrated’ for ever in the gift of the Eucharist. In this gift Jesus Christ entrusted to his Church the perennial making present of the paschal mystery. With it he brought about a mysterious “oneness in time” between that Triduum and the passage of the centuries.The infinite mystery of God’s relationship with us in Jesus Christ continues to call us to deeper understanding of our relationship with one another. Let us pray today for greater love and fuller surrender of our hearts to this awesome, self-emptying mystery.At the heart of the Christian faith shines an open table without exclusion, where Christ is the chef, the host, and the food of life. The broken bread and the pouring wine manifests the Divine attitude to welcome especially the ones who are brokenhearted, neglected, rejected and crushed. And we are transformed into the body and blood of boundless and creative love, incorporated into the same divine DNA as everyone else – regardless of species, ethnicity, religion, gender, nationality, appearance, or social class. (Ivan Nicolleto)(Brother Ivan Nicoletto, a Benedictine Camaldolese monk, author and retreat director residing at Incarnation Monastery in Berkeley. He wrote Journey of Faith, Journey of the Universe. The Lectionary and the New Cosmology, published by Liturgical Press in 2015.)Music: Somos El Cuerpo de Cristo- Jaime Cortez, Bob Hurd
    (Lyrics below)Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.
    We are the body of Christ.
    Hemos oído el llamado;
    we’ve answered “Yes” to the call of the Lord.Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.
    We are the body of Christ.
    Traemos su santo mensaje.
    We come to bring the God’s News to the world.Que nuestras acciones reflejen justicia;
    Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.
    Stopping abuse and relieving the hungry,
    We are the body of Christ.Vamos al mundo a cuidar su rebaño.
    Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.
    Serving each other we build up the kingdom;
    We are the body of Christ.Beautiful reflection! We ARE the Body of Christ! Remembering this can change the world! Thanks, Renee! ❤️🙏Reply1Like
    Today is the Catholic Feast of Corpus Christi. It’s not a date that draws a lot of attention in the United States, but four years ago I encountered it in full measure in Spain, where it seems no festival or saint or holy remembrance goes unacknowledged, and I’ve been curious about it ever since.
    We were in León, where we’d taken a rest day from our pilgrimage on the Camino de Santiago to explore the city and wait for friends to arrive. Our base for the night was the church-run albergue, the Albergue del Monasterio de las Benedictinas.
    We toured the cathedral, watched the crowds, and ate as many tapas as we could. We ended up in the cobblestone courtyard in front of the albergue, splitting our attention between a fútbol game on an outdoor TV, and the two older Benedictine nuns who moved from window to window in the convent above the albergue, hanging red and green buntings from the windows.
    preparing for Corpus ChristiThe next day, someone in the square told us, was the Feast of Corpus Christi. There would be a parade and a festival in the church.
    According to The Catholic Company:
    St. Juliana of Mont Cornillon in Belgium (1193-1258)…was a nun and mystic who had a series of visions in which she was instructed by Our Lord to work to establish a liturgical feast for the Holy Eucharist, to which she had a great devotion.
    After many years of trying, she finally convinced the bishop, the future Pope Urban IV, to create this special feast in honor of the Blessed Sacrament, where none had existed before. Soon after her death, Pope Urban instituted Corpus Christi for the Universal Church and celebrated it for the first time in Orvieto in 1264, a year after the Eucharistic Miracle in Bolsena.
    We didn’t stay in León. One rest day here was enough. Instead, we woke in the golden dawn and wound out of the city and across twenty kilometers of open land to Mazarife.
    We were crossing a field, the town already in view, when the explosions started. At first, I thought they were gunshots. Was someone hunting in June? Someone else suggested that a farmer was shooting blanks in order to frighten birds off the crops. That made more sense, and I just hoped we didn’t look like birds.
    When we checked into our small albergue, our hospitalera mentioned Corpus Christi. “The parade will start after the noon mass.”
    We were always game for a parade. So soon as we’d washed the road dust from ourselves and our laundry, we set off to explore.
    We found the church set above the small-town square, a modest building with three giant stork nests in the belfry. A few other people gathered in the limited shade. They didn’t say anything, but there was anticipation in the hot summer air.
    Shortly after we arrived, a solemn-faced band of men and women with bagpipes and wind instruments assembled and waited. They wore traditional dress, the women in long skirts and head scarves, the men in vests and jaunty red cummerbunds.
    They pointedly ignored us.
    Finally, the bells in the tower began to rock, just a little at first, and then with such vigor that they spun all the way around in noisy celebration of…well, whatever Corpus Christi celebrated. The storks flew away. The church doors swung open, and the parade started.
    “Very early (in the fourteenth century) the custom developed of carrying the Blessed Sacrament in a splendid procession through the town after the Mass on Corpus Christi Day. This was encouraged by the popes, some of whom granted special indulgences to all participants. The Council of Trent (1545-1563) solemnly approved and recommended the procession on Corpus Christi as a public profession of the Catholic faith in the real presence of Christ in the Holy Sacrament.
    First there were about a dozen children carrying a litter with a statue of baby Jesus. Then four women, in perfect Sunday dresses and heels, carried a litter with a statue of the Virgin Mary. Then the priest, swinging his censer of incense, led four men carrying a litter with a crucified Jesus. The rest of the congregation followed, all wearing their Sunday best. The band moved in to bring up the rear.
    Corpus Christi
    A man walked in front of the children, and I saw that he was holding a long tube. He fiddled with it, and then boom, we had found the source of those explosions.
    Fireworks. In the middle of the day. In the middle of a crowd. In the middle of the summer. In a town made of wood.
    Safety codes here were obviously different.
    The band played, and the parade moved off. We stayed where we were. Somehow, it felt rude to follow them. A religious celebration like this was no place for tourists.
    From Catholic Digest:
    Corpus Christi is then an opportunity for us to carry the Living Christ out into the world for all to see. This being such a momentous event reflective not only of our faith but the Catholic family as a whole, it has become customary to dress well for Eucharist procession; Sunday best no matter the day… Carrying Christ through the streets in celebration of his life, resurrection, and infinite grace, we publicly testify to our faith in life everlasting and victory over death.
    Instead, we retreated to the shade of the local bar, ordered a pitcher of sangria to share with other pilgrims, and waited for the party to come to us. It didn’t take long. (Mazarife is a town of just 350 people, clustered on a few streets.) The families from the parade came back and filled the space, still in their fancy clothes.
    The procession was done, and the celebration was just beginning.CAMINO TIMES TWO
    My 5 Favorite Albergues on the Camino Frances
    At one point or another, every Camino alum starts making Top Five list. The Best Albergues. The Best Meals. The Best Days. I love reading these stories, because…
    Beating the Camino Bed Race
    “There are no beds.” “There are too many people.” The rumors flew up the Way faster than I could walk, carried by Radio Camino. They were shared over pilgrim…SWEDEN make idols of their curlingchildren later commit suicid so sad i lost so many i always pray to SAINT GERTRUDE for all dececeed . Svi smo gresnici !!! Trebamo Moliti za Poniznost Veliku Vjeru i Poslusnost !!! Bog je Ljubav ❤️i zeli da smo svi sretni !


  10. Prvo čitanje:

    1Kr 21, 17-29

    Naveo si Izraela na grijeh.

    Čitanje Prve knjige o Kraljevima

    Nakon smrti Nabotove bi upućena riječ Gospodnja Iliji Tišbijcu: »Ustani i siđi u Samariju, u susret Ahabu, kralju izraelskom. Eno ga u vinogradu Nabotovu u koji je sišao da ga zaposjedne. Reci mu: Ovako veli Gospodin: Umorio si, oteo si! Zato ovako veli Gospodin: Na mjestu gdje su psi lizali Nabotovu krv, lizat će psi i tvoju.« Ahab reče Iliji: »Nađe li me, neprijatelju moj?« Ilija odgovori: »Nađoh te, jer si se prodao da činiš što je zlo u očima Gospodnjim. Evo, tek što nisam navukao na te nesreću. Pomest ću tvoje potomstvo, istrijebiti Ahabu sve što mokri uza zid, robove i slobodnjake u Izraelu. Učinit ću s tvojom kućom kao s kućom Jeroboama, sina Nebatova, i s kućom Baše, sina Ahijina, jer si me rasrdio i naveo Izraela na grijeh. I nad Izebelom reče Gospodin: Psi će proždrijeti Izebelu na polju Jizreelskom. Tko od obitelji Ahabove umre u gradu, psi će ga izjesti, a tko umre u polju, pojest će ga ptice nebeske.«
    Doista, nitko se nije prodao tako kao Ahab da čini što je zlo u očima Gospodnjim, jer ga je zavodila njegova žena Izebela. Činio je vrlo odvratna djela: išao je za idolima baš kao što su činili Amorejci, koje je Gospodin protjerao ispred Izraelaca.
    Kad je Ahab čuo te riječi, razdrije svoje haljine i stavi kostrijet na tijelo; i postio je, u kostrijeti je spavao i naokolo išao tiho jecajući. Tada dođe riječ Gospodnja Iliji Tišbijcu: »Jesi li vidio kako se Ahab preda mnom ponizio? Budući da se tako ponizio preda mnom, neću zla pustiti za njegova života; u vrijeme njegova sina pustit ću zlo na kuću njegovu.«
    Riječ Gospodnja.


  11. Mark 2:1-12
    New International Version
    Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man
    2 A few days later, when Jesus again entered Capernaum, the people heard that he had come home. 2 They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. 3 Some men came, bringing to him a paralyzed man, carried by four of them. 4 Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” 6 Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, 7 “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?” 8 Immediately Jesus knew in his spirit that this was what they were thinking in their hearts, and he said to them, “Why are you thinking these things? 9 Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? 10 But I want you to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins.” So he said to the man, 11 “I tell you, get up, take your mat and go home.” 12 He got up, took his mat and walked out in full view of them all. This amazed everyone and they praised God, saying, “We have never seen anything like this!”



    4h ago
    Sveti rimski prvomučenici
    Sveti rimski prvomučenici

    Danas, dragi brate i sestro u Kristu,
    danas smo pozvani svi biti svjedoci istine, zaštitnici života i domovine.
    Danas smo pozvani biti savjesni katolici,
    savjesni i odgovorni pred Bogom, ljudima i bližnjima.
    Biti katolik znači biti mudar, razuman i jak u svim nedaćama ovozemaljskog života.
    Bog nas opominje, usmjerava, upozorava, savjetuje…
    Slušajmo njegov glas!!!
    Gospodin govori: „Ja sam Put i Istina i Život i nitko ne dolazi Ocu osim po meni.” (Iv 14,6)
    Mnogi su pali za Boga i domovinu,
    mnogi su krvarili s molitvom na usnama i krunicom oko vrata…
    Danas Vas, braćo i sestre u Kristu, pozivam da budemo svjesni kako su temelji katoličkih vrijednosti
    na rubu izumiranja zbog mlakosti sviju nas.
    Gospodin nas opominje: „Vi ste sol zemlje. Ali ako sol obljutavi, čime će se ona osoliti?
    Nije više ni za što, nego da se baci van i da ljudi po njoj gaze” (Mt 5,13).
    Naša domovina nas danas treba. Naša domovina nas danas zove da budemo ta ista sol…
    Jer pojedinci odlučuju o životu i smrti, o pravednosti i istini…
    Osolimo našu domovinu istinitom pravednošću.
    Ne budimo ni crveni, ni plavi, ni zeleni, ni crni…
    Budimo savjesni i odgovorni. Budimo Kristovi!!!

    Tekst: Vjeran Matešić

    PRESVETO TROJSTVO Svetkovina (Nedjelja poslije Duhova – Pedesetnice) PROPOVIJEDI (A) Milost Krista, ljubav Oca i zajedništvo Duha
    MOLITVA Kraljici mira
    MOLITVA Kraljici mira O Majko Božja i naša Majko Marijo, Kraljice mira, s tobom slavimo i zahvaljujemo Bogu koji nam je dao tebe kao našu istinsku Majku koja…
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    samo lucija
    samo lucija
    2m ago
    Hej allihopa,

    Jag var glad att höra från Viveca att hon efter en lång väntan och resa kunde hälsa på sin 102åriga Mamma som bor själv men har Hemtjänst. Hon skrev “Det värmde oss båda i våra hjärtan att det öppnades en möjlighet för detta.” Låt oss tänka på alla äldre som bor på äldreboende och de som bor ensamma hemma och förmodligen känner sig ensamma och kanske även övergivna. Herre vara med dem. Låt dem känna att du finns och öppna flera möjligheter som gör livet lättare för dem. Jesus Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig.

    Fr. Johnny skriver idag: “Jesus identifies completely with us in our weakness and humanity. Our task of faith is to identify completely with him. Jesus identifierar sig helt och hållet med oss i vår svaghet och humanitet. Vår uppgift är att identifiera oss helt och hållet med Honom.” Resten finns i brevet.

    Tyvärr är Pandemin långt ifrån över. Låt oss förena våra böner med alla som ber för nära och kära, alla sjuka av coronaviruset, alla döende och alla döda och hela världen. Var med dem som sörjer och kanske inte har kunnat vara med sina sjuka. Låt dem känna Din närvaro. Ge dem som arbetar i IVO den kraft och det mod de behöver och var deras inspiration. Vi ber Herre att du hjälper mänskligheten att övervinna coronaviruset. Må den här pandemin leda till något riktigt gott i världen och i våra liv. Må alla som har dött vila i frid. Må det snart ta slut. Jesus Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig.

    Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Thy Faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth. Kom Helige Ande, fyll dina trognas hjärtan och tänd i dem din kärleks eld. Sänd ut Din Ande och de skall bli väckta och Du skall förnya jordens ansikte.

    Varma hälsningar,


    Dear Friends,
    Thank God the Online Solemn Novena in honour of Our Mother of Perpetual Help is going well. We are now half way through it. Thousands of people are joining us online each day. Maybe you are among those. I pray for you each day that God may bless you and Our Mother of Perpetual Help look after you and all those you love.

    Attached is my input for next week for the Couple Prayer and for the Newsletter insert. I hope it will be helpful for you in your journey of faith and love and will bring you the gifts of hope and joy.

    Please continue to pray for me and for one another. May God’s blessing be with us all in the week ahead. And may God continue to keep us all safe from the coronavirus. Thank you.


    Fr. Johnnys veckobrev på engelska hittar du här. Fr. Johnnys veckobrev översatt till svenska hittar du här.

    Hej allihopa,

    Jag var glad att höra från Viveca att hon efter en lång väntan och resa kunde hälsa på sin 102åriga Mamma som bor själv men har Hemtjänst. Hon skrev “Det värmde oss båda i våra hjärtan att det öppnades en möjlighet för detta.” Låt oss tänka på alla äldre som bor på äldreboende och de som bor ensamma hemma och förmodligen känner sig ensamma och kanske även övergivna. Herre vara med dem. Låt dem känna att du finns och öppna flera möjligheter som gör livet lättare för dem. Jesus Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig.

    Fr. Johnny skriver idag: “Jesus identifies completely with us in our weakness and humanity. Our task of faith is to identify completely with him. Jesus identifierar sig helt och hållet med oss i vår svaghet och humanitet. Vår uppgift är att identifiera oss helt och hållet med Honom.” Resten finns i brevet.

    Tyvärr är Pandemin långt ifrån över. Låt oss förena våra böner med alla som ber för nära och kära, alla sjuka av coronaviruset, alla döende och alla döda och hela världen. Var med dem som sörjer och kanske inte har kunnat vara med sina sjuka. Låt dem känna Din närvaro. Ge dem som arbetar i IVO den kraft och det mod de behöver och var deras inspiration. Vi ber Herre att du hjälper mänskligheten att övervinna coronaviruset. Må den här pandemin leda till något riktigt gott i världen och i våra liv. Må alla som har dött vila i frid. Må det snart ta slut. Jesus Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig.

    Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Thy Faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Thy Spirit and they shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth. Kom Helige Ande, fyll dina trognas hjärtan och tänd i dem din kärleks eld. Sänd ut Din Ande och de skall bli väckta och Du skall förnya jordens ansikte.

    Varma hälsningar,


  13. The Power of the Daily Rosary
    May 16, 2020
    If I had to recommend 1 devotion it would have to be the daily Rosary. If you need help from God, pray the Rosary. If you need graces, pray the Rosary. If you want salvation, pray the Rosary.
    Even before my personal “conversion” (I honestly believe it was a miracle) in 2014, if you ever needed help from God, I would have recommended you to pray the Rosary. I knew its power because when I was a teenager my mom would make us all pray the family Rosary from time to time. When we did do so constantly, my life would always improve in great ways and in little ways. But I noticed the power of this devotion.

    Either way, look at where I am today. I now know that my real mission in life is to love God and save my soul. Nothing else. Not riches, not fame, nor material goals. I didn’t know that before and I credit my “conversion” to the love that God has for me, the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary.
    In fact, praying the Rosary has saved me from heresy. I almost became a protestant. Yeah, it’s bad, I know. During the first few months of my “conversion” I was listening to sermons on YouTube from a protestant preacher. I was agreeing with everything he was saying and I started to doubt my Catholic Faith. It was until, one day, this pastor began to talk about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary. He spoke about how the Rosary was useless. At that point I knew. This protestant pastor doesn’t know jack. He is wrong and this is an insult to the Blessed Virgin Mary.
    I knew that the Rosary was the real deal and that it came from God. That same day I knew that protestantism was evil. I knew that Catholicism is the true Faith and the only one that will get you to Heaven. The Blessed Virgin Mary and the Rosary helped me from falling into heresy.
    One of the 15 promises for Praying the Most Holy Rosary is that it is a powerful armour against hell as it will defeat heresies (#3). I can attest to that.

    Instead of looking into protestant preachers I began to research the Fatima Center and Fr. Gruner because I knew they promoted the Rosary. Fr. Gruner truly loved the Rosary and the Blessed Virgin Mary. I looked to the Fatima Center for answers and I found them. Now I have no doubt about the Catholic Church and Its teachings, thanks be to God.
    I was blessed enough to attend the funeral of Fr. Gruner in 2015. I really looked up to him and I am sad that he is gone. May his soul rest in peace.

    The Rosary is totally worth praying daily and praying it well. It will change your life. It may be difficult to pray as it is repetitive and one can get easily distracted. What usually helps me is following a book with the images of the mysteries or reading the prayers off of a pamphlet. It only takes 15 minutes to pray one Rosary and those 15 minutes can make all the difference. This is my favourite pamphlet to follow as it does not include the luminous mysteries.
    If you like hearing about miracles that can be attributed to the Rosary I highly recommend reading The Secret of the Rosary authored by St. Louis de Monfort. It is very inspiring and encouraging.
    The Secret of the Rosary book by St. Louis de Monfort
    Thank you for taking the time to read this post. I greatly appreciate it. If you have any impactful stories of the Rosary please do let me know down in the comments.
    God bless,
    – Beverly 💕
    The Most Holy Rosary
    10 Amazing Traditional Catholic Books for Your Soul
    I’m sure you already know how powerful reading is. Reading is one of the best ways to learn about any subject because you learn it from the experts. Almost…
    Sometimes Life Gets in the Way…
    Hi there, I’m going to update my blog on blogspot from now on at:
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    The Joyful Mysteries (on Mondays and Thursdays)
    Jesus with the Doctors
    The Sorrowful Mysteries (on Tuesdays and Fridays)
    Agony in the Garden
    Scourging at the Pillar
    Crowning with Thorns
    Carrying the Cross
    The Glorious Mysteries (on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays)
    Descent of the Holy Ghost on the Apostles and Our Lady
    Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
    The Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and the glory of all the Saints
    How to Pray the Rosary
    Step-By-Step Instructions for Praying The Rosary
    Begin by holding the crucifix, saying “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” (making the sign of the Cross while doing that), then say the Apostles’ Creed.
    On the single bead just above the cross, pray the “Our Father.” This and all prayers of the rosary are meditative prayers.
    The next cluster has 3 beads. The “Hail Mary” prayer is said on these three beads. You pray the 3 Hail Marys while meditating on the three divine virtues of faith, hope, and love/charity.
    On the chain or cord after the three beads, say the “Glory be…”
    On the next bead, which is a single bead, you announce the first divine mystery of contemplation. For example, if it were a Monday, you would say the first Joyful Mystery is “The Annunciation”, at this point you pray the “Our Father” prayer.
    Now this will bring you to the first decade, or set of 10 beads of the Rosary. You will then pray 10 Hail Marys while contemplating the first mystery, example: The Annunciation.
    After the 10th Hail Mary you will have completed the first of 5 decades which make up a Chaplet of the Rosary. You now come to another single bead, at this point, you pray the… Glory be to the Father… then (on the same bead) pray the Fatima Prayer… then (on the same bead) announce the next or second mystery. For example: if its Monday and your praying the Joyful Mysteries, the second Joyful Mystery is The Visitation. At this point you pray the Our Father….
    You will now come to the second decade or group of 10 beads, you will now pray the 10 Hail Marys while contemplating the appropriate mystery.
    You continue to pray the rosary the same way throughout. If your intention is to pray a Chaplet (a single set of mysteries) at the end of the fifth mystery you will come back to the joiner, this is where the decades all join with the lower part of the rosary which contains the cross. When you come to the joiner, you decide whether or not you wish to say another Chaplet or end. If you decide to say another Chaplet you simply announce the next mystery and continue. If you wish to end, you simply say the Glory Be To The Father, the O My Jesus, The Our Father and end the rosary with the Hail Holy Queen and the sign of the Cross……..
    Various Rosary Prayers in approximate order as prayed in the Rosary
    The Apostles’ Creed
    I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord; Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried, He descended into hell; the third day He arose again from the dead; He ascended into Heaven, sitteth at the right hand of God, the Father Almighty, from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

    The Our Father
    Our Father, Who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

    The Doxology
    Glory be to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. (this prayer is optional and may be said after all Glory Be to the Fathers…..)

    The Fatima Prayer
    O my Jesus, have mercy on us. Forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Take all souls into heaven, especially, those most in need of thy mercy. Amen.

    The Hail Mary
    Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.

    The Hail Holy Queen
    Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy,
    Hail our life, our sweetness and our hope!
    To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve.
    To thee do we send up our sighs,
    mourning and weeping in this valley of tears!
    Turn, then, most gracious Advocate,
    thine eyes of mercy toward us,
    and after this, our exile,
    show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
    O clement, O loving,
    O sweet Virgin Mary.

    Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
    That we may be may be worthy of the promises of Christ.

    Let us pray: O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life. Grant, we beseech Thee, that by meditating on these mysteries of the most holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

    St George’s Day: a day for Scouts to renew their Promises
    Like so many Scouts around the world, on St George’s Day, 23rd April, or around that time, I usually meet up with other members of the Scout Movement to renew…
    Prayer is the key to Christ’s Peace
    Today, at Mass, I talked about how we can all grow in the Peace of Christ. Whilst in prison, Cardinal Văn Thuận converted his guards as a result of them…
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    St.Augustine said: ‘Love God and do what you want’! If we love God, we’ll do what he wants.

    Here’s this passage in a paraphrase, the Message version: You know well enough from your own experience that there are some acts of so-called freedom that destroy freedom. We know that; it’s like the addict, who is enslaved to his addiction. Offer yourselves to sin, for instance, and it’s your last free act. But offer yourselves to the ways of God and the freedom never quits. All your lives you’ve let sin tell you what to do. But thank God you’ve started listening to a new master, one whose commands set you free to live openly in his freedom!

    Being Alive in Christ means a far better position

    Better prospects

    It’s very fashionable to sit on the fence; to be non-committal and agnostic. But the reality is that it’s more like a person trying to keep one foot on shore and the other on a boat as in those ‘You’ve been framed’ clips.

    There’s no neutral ground. Paul says of our past lives: What benefit did you reap at that time from the things you are now ashamed of? Those things result in death!

    A life without God – materialism and hedonism – is ultimately unsatisfying. Freddie Mercury said this shortly before his death: You can have everything in the world and still be the loneliest man…success has brought me world idolisation & millions of pounds, but it has prevented me from having the one thing we all need – a loving, ongoing relationship

    A life without God is a dead end. Look at the TV series ‘Inside Monaco – playground of the rich’ – I think it’s true. Whereas I’ve seen those who know Jesus and have so little materially but have everything in Christ. Paul writes to the Corinthians and describes himself & Christians as poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything.

    I’ve seen it. Being Alive in Christ means far better prospects

    Better pay

    You may have seen these words on sandwich boards: The wages of sin is death! This is what Paul says but it misses the rest of the sentence. For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in[b] Christ Jesus our Lord.

    Wages – our pay is what we deserve for what we’ve done. We know we all fall short and in some way, we’ve all messed up. Earlier in Romans Paul writes: All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

    The wages of sin is death. But Jesus has paid the price through his death on the cross that we might be freed

    What des that mean?

    The cross brings three freedoms:

    Freedom from the Penalty for past sins, which Jesus took on himself on the cross

    Freedom from the Power of sin in our lives as we step into and live new life in Christ
    Freedom from the Presence of sin ultimately in Glory

    God’s free gift is eternal life. What is that?

    Jesus was asked & said: Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. And it starts now. Jesus came to bring us abundant life in all its fullness that’s true freedom. The Message puts it like this: now that you’ve found you don’t have to listen to sin tell you what to do, and have discovered the delight of listening to God telling you, what a surprise! A whole, healed, put-together life right now, with more and more of life on the way! Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master.

    Being Alive in Christ means far better pay


    So what does it mean for us today in the Three Spires at our patronal festival at St.Peter’s?
    Let’s be clear where we stand – there is no neutral ground. We’ve moved from one kingdom to another, which is symbolised by baptism & sealed by the Holy Spirit.

    Paul writes: offer yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life; and offer every part of yourself to him

    Let’s do that now, as we celebrate Holy Communion, imagine yourselves at altar rail doing just that. Then we say the prayer after communion: Through him we offer thee our souls and bodies to be a living sacrifice.

    Finally, a prayer of St.Augustine: O God…Grant us so to know you that we may truly love you; And so to love you that we may fully and freely serve you, Whose service is perfect freedom. Amen

    Intercessions by Ellie Heard

    Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name;

    thy kingdom come; thy will be done;

    on earth as it is in heaven.

    Give us this day our daily bread.

    And forgive us our trespasses,

    as we forgive those who trespass against us.

    And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.

    For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen.

    Prayers of penitence

    The Spirit of the Lord fills the world & knows our every word and deed. Let us then open ourselves to the Lord and confess our sins in penitence and faith.

    Almighty God, our heavenly Father,

    we have sinned against thee

    and against our neighbour,

    in thought and word and deed,

    through negligence, through weakness,

    through our own deliberate fault.

    We are heartily sorry

    and repent of all our sins.

    For the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ,

    who died for us,

    forgive us all that is past,

    and grant that we may serve thee in newness of life

    to the glory of thy name. Amen.

    Almighty God who forgives all who truly repent, have mercy

    upon you, pardon and deliver you from all your sins,

    confirm and strengthen you in all goodness, and keep you in

    life eternal; through Jesus Christ our Lord

    The Lord is here. His Spirit is with us

    The communion

    Hear us, O merciful Father, we most humbly beseech thee; and grant that we receiving these thy creatures of bread and wine, according to thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ’s holy institution, in remembrance of his death and passion, may be partakers of his most blessed Body and blood: who, in the same night that he was betrayed, took bread; and, when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, Take, eat, this is my Body which is given for you: do this in remembrance of me. Likewise after supper he took the cup; and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them saying, drink ye all of this; for this is my Blood of the New Covenant, which is shed for you and for many for the remission of sins: Do this as oft as ye shall drink it in remembrance of me. Amen

    We do not presume to come to this thy table, O merciful

    Lord, trusting in our own righteousness, but in thy manifold

    & great mercies. We are not worthy so much as to gather up

    the crumbs under thy table. But thou art the same Lord whose

    nature is always to have mercy. Grant us therefore, gracious

    Lord, so to eat the flesh of thy dear Son Jesus Christ & to

    drink his blood, that our sinful bodies may be made clean by

    his body and our souls washed through his most precious

    blood & that we may evermore dwell in him, and he in us.



    Prayer after communion

    Almighty God, we thank thee for feeding us

    with the body and blood of thy Son Jesus Christ.

    Through him we offer thee our souls and bodies

    to be a living sacrifice. Send us out in the power of thy Spirit

    to live and work to thy praise and glory. Amen.

    Sing: Give me the wings of faith to rise.


    To God the Father, who loved us and made us accepted in the Beloved:

    To God the Son, who loved us and loosed us from our sins by his blood:

    To God the Holy Spirit who spreads the love of Go abroad in our hearts.

    To the one true God be all love and all glory for time and all eternity.

    And the blessing of God Almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be with you all, ever more. Amen

    Dismissal: Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. In the name of Christ. Amen

    Bible study Monday at 4pm Evening prayer Thurs 6pm

    Pet service on 12th July

    Keep safe – keep well – keep praying

    HOLY COMMUNION 14th June 2020 Recorded
    Please watch our Sunday Service here. Reverend Simon will be live at 10am on Facebook to introduce the service. If you wish to listen to the service on your…
    Holy Communion 17th May Recorded
    Today is Rogation Sunday and maybe we’re missing our walk together. Here’s a rogation prayer: Almighty God, our heavenly Father, remember thy mercy and…
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    Danas, dragi brate i sestro u Kristu,
    danas smo pozvani svi biti svjedoci istine, zaštitnici života i domovine.
    Danas smo pozvani biti savjesni katolici,
    savjesni i odgovorni pred Bogom, ljudima i bližnjima.
    Biti katolik znači biti mudar, razuman i jak u svim nedaćama ovozemaljskog života.
    Bog nas opominje, usmjerava, upozorava, savjetuje…
    Slušajmo njegov glas!!!
    Gospodin govori: „Ja sam Put i Istina i Život i nitko ne dolazi Ocu osim po meni.” (Iv 14,6)
    Mnogi su pali za Boga i domovinu,
    mnogi su krvarili s molitvom na usnama i krunicom oko vrata…
    Danas Vas, braćo i sestre u Kristu, pozivam da budemo svjesni kako su temelji katoličkih vrijednosti
    na rubu izumiranja zbog mlakosti sviju nas.
    Gospodin nas opominje: „Vi ste sol zemlje. Ali ako sol obljutavi, čime će se ona osoliti?
    Nije više ni za što, nego da se baci van i da ljudi po njoj gaze” (Mt 5,13).
    Naša domovina nas danas treba. Naša domovina nas danas zove da budemo ta ista sol…
    Jer pojedinci odlučuju o životu i smrti, o pravednosti i istini…
    Osolimo našu domovinu istinitom pravednošću.
    Ne budimo ni crveni, ni plavi, ni zeleni, ni crni…
    Budimo savjesni i odgovorni. Budimo Kristovi!!!

    Tekst: Vjeran Matešić

    PRESVETO TROJSTVO Svetkovina (Nedjelja poslije Duhova – Pedesetnice) PROPOVIJEDI (A) Milost Krista, ljubav Oca i zajedništvo Duha
    MOLITVA Kraljici mira
    MOLITVA Kraljici mira O Majko Božja i naša Majko Marijo, Kraljice mira, s tobom slavimo i zahvaljujemo Bogu koji nam je dao tebe kao našu istinsku Majku koja…
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    Petar pak, došavši k sebi, reče: »Sad uistinu znam da je Gospodin poslao anđela svoga i izbavio me iz Herodove ruke i od svega što je očekivao židovski narod.«
    Riječ Gospodnja.
    Otpjevni psalam:

    Ps 34, 2-9


    Anđeo Gospodnji izbavlja štovatelje Božje.

    Blagoslivljat ću Gospodina u svako doba,
    njegova će mi hvala biti svagda na ustima!
    Nek se Gospodinom duša moja hvali,
    nek čuju ponizni i nek se raduju!

    Veličajte sa mnom Gospodina,
    uzvisujmo ime njegovo zajedno!
    Tražio sam Gospodina i on me usliša,
    izbavi me od straha svakoga.

    U njega gledajte i razveselite se
    da se ne postide lica vaša.
    Eto, jadnik vapi, i Gospodin ga čuje,
    izbavlja ga iz svih tjeskoba.

    Anđeo Gospodnji tabor podiže
    oko njegovih štovalaca da ih spasi.
    Kušajte i vidite kako je dobar Gospodin:
    blago čovjeku koji se njemu utječe!

    Drugo čitanje:

    2Tim 4, 6-8.17-18

    Čeka me vijenac pravednosti.

    Čitanje Druge poslanice svetoga Pavla apostola Timoteju

    Predragi! Ja se već prinosim za žrtvu ljevanicu, prispjelo je vrijeme moga odlaska. Dobar sam boj bio, trku završio, vjeru sačuvao. Stoga, pripravljen mi je vijenac pravednosti kojim će mi u onaj Dan uzvratiti Gospodin, pravedni sudac; ne samo meni, nego i svima koji s ljubavlju čekaju njegov pojavak.
    Gospodin je stajao uza me, on me krijepio da se po meni potpuno razglasi Poruka te je čuju svi narodi; i izbavljen sam iz usta lavljih. Izbavit će me Gospodin od svakoga zla djela i spasiti za svoje nebesko kraljevstvo. Njemu slava u vijeke vjekova! Amen!
    Riječ Gospodnja.

    samo lucija
    samo lucija
    just now
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    Holy Spirit Chaplet by Blessed Elena Guerra
    May 23, 2020
    ChapletHoly spirit


    O God, come to my assistance.
    O Lord, make haste to help me.
    Glory be to the Father…

    In each mystery ask for a gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Repeat this prayer seven times:

    “Father, in the Name of Jesus, send forth your Spirit and renew the world.”

    Conclude with :
    “O Mary, who by the work of the Holy Spirit, conceived the Savior, pray for us.”

    The seven mysteries invoking the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit:

    1- Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, detach us from earthly things and infuse in us a love and taste of heavenly things.
    Father, in the Name of Jesus…O Mary, …

    2- Come, O Spirit of Understanding, enlighten our minds with the light of your eternal truth and the riches of holy thoughts.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    3- Come, O Spirit of Counsel, make us docile to your inspirations and guide us in the way of salvation.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    4- Come, O Spirit of Fortitude , and give us strength, constancy and victory in the battle against our spiritual enemies.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    5- Come, O Spirit of Knowledge, be the Master of our souls and help us to put into practice Your teachings.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    6- Come, O Spirit of Piety, come to live in our heart to possess and sanctify all of our affections.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    7- Come, O Spirit of the Fear of the Lord, reign over our will and make us always disposed to suffer every evil rather than to sin.
    Father, in the Name…O Mary, …

    Invocation to Mary:
    O most pure Virgin Mary, by your Immaculate Conception you were made a chosen tabernacle of Divinity by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us.

    May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
    Hail Mary, full of grace…
    O most pure Virgin Mary, by the Mystery of the Incarnation you became true Mother of God by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us.

    May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
    Hail Mary, full of grace…
    O most pure Virgin Mary, persevering in prayer with the Apostles in the Upper Room, you were abundantly inflamed by the Holy Spirit. Pray for us:

    May the Divine Paraclete come soon to renew the face of the earth.
    Hail Mary, full of grace…

    Let us pray:
    Send Your Spirit, Lord, and transform us interiorly with Your gifts. Create in us a new heart that we may please You and be conformed to Your will. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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