Our Epic Northwestern Journey – Part 18 – The Kettle Valley Railway

We did so many new, fun and exciting things during this entire trip. We saw something new everyday. On the way to the Kettle Valley Steam Railway, we stopped along the way to take in some of the Summerland sights. One of the things we saw was this old riverboat.

Next stop, the Kettle Valley Steam Railway Station. The Kettle Valley Steam Railway (KVR) was opened in 1915, but the trains stopped in 1961. Freight carried on the KVR consisted primarily of ore from the Kootenay region of British Columbia, as well as forestry products and fruit from the Okanagan. Finished goods were primarily brought into the Southern Interior on trains heading Eastbound. This used to be a vital way to transport people, minerals and goods across Canada, but was closed down in 1961, once air transportation became more readily available and cheaper. Today, this 16 km trek is all that is still remains from this once great railway system.

All Aboard!

The views from the train.

I believe this is the hill behind Maureen and Milos’ house.

At the end of the line, the train stopped and got prepared to turn us around to go back to the Kettle Valley Railway station. Everyone got off the train and we got to stretch our legs a bit.

We even passed by the Dirty Laundry Winery, where we went the next day, but more on that later.

Back at the station, we had a cute little marmot waiting to welcome us back.

After the train ride, we headed to Sleeping Giant Fruit Winery for a little treat for everyone. Sleeping Giant offers ice cream AND fruit wines all under the same roof. I know. You are all thinking ALL wine comes from fruit, grapes. But these wines were all made from things other than grapes. I bought a bottle of the peach wine.

Everyone enjoyed some ice cream except me. I love ice cream, but ice cream doesn’t love me. That’s OK though. I was wine tasting. I was happy too. 🙂

As we were tasting, this gentleman said he was retiring in just a couple of days. We were amongst his last pours.

As everyone was enjoying their ice cream, I took a little stroll around to admire all the beautiful flowers on the premises. I don’t think I have EVER seen so many gorgeous irises, in so many colors and different varieties, as I did everywhere we went on this trip. 🙂

Speaking of flowers, after leaving Sleeping Giant, we all headed to the beautiful gardens at the Research Center.

Don’t touch that dial. I have plenty more in store. Have a great day and make everyday great. Stay safe, stay well, and remember, life is always much better with good friends along for the ride. ‘Til next time.

Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

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