Our Epic Northwestern Journey – Part 17-Headed To Summerland

We had to say good-bye to friends and were on the move once again. After leaving the Vancouver area, and saying our good-byes to Kim and Roberta, we were headed to Summerland, to visit with more friends. This time we were headed to see Maureen and Milos. Larry and I met Maureen in Milos during our last travels to Cozumel, Mexico. We became fast friends and it was like we had known each other for years and years. We have been very lucky and have made so many wonderful friends on our travels. 🙂

Summerland is part of BC’s wine country. It is known for its world renowned wineries. It is also home to the historic Kettle Valley Steam Railway. The town was originally known as Trout Creek and was renamed Summerland in 1902 when Sir Thomas Shaughnessy bought the Barclay Ranch. The nickname for Summerland is Town of Festivals. We did go to a couple of wineries and we also road the train as well. Summerland is the home of the Okanagan. When you journey through the spectacular Okanagan landscape, you are following in the six-thousand year old footsteps of the Okanagan peoples.

Once again, we had about a 4 1/2-5 hour drive from Vancouver to Summerland, with beautiful scenery all along the way, even though it was still cold and rainy.

We made a quick stop at Peachland before stopping in Summerland, and it looks like they have their own version of “Nessie”, though we didn’t see her.

Fiords and water are everywhere. Summerland is just idyllic and enchanting, with moderate temperatures perfect for growing all kinds of fruit and vegetables, and of course it is also the perfect climate for vineyards too.

There is wildlife all around too. We even saw a deer behind our car. I couldn’t get a good picture though. I saw her as we were traveling and my picture is from the back window of my car, but at least I was able to see her.

At last, we arrived at Maureen and Milos’ house. They were waiting outside for us, and welcomed us with open arms and big hugs. This is the view from their deck. Isn’t it gorgeous? Milos hikes up the hill in the background all the time, and he and Larry hiked it a couple days after we arrived too.

Maureen had a big pot of spaghetti on the stove for dinner. After dinner, and catching up, it was game time. We are all fierce and ruthless game players, but still in a fun and friendly way. Let the games begin. May the best person win. 🙂

Have a great day and make everyday great. Stay safe and stay well. ‘Til next time.

Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

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