Our Trip to Texas – Part 2 – The Critters

As usual, I love taking pictures of all the critters I see, and also as usual, there were a lot of critters to see. My Aunt Janis has some resident raccoons and opossums that like to nibble on her cat food when the cat is done for the day. They are quite comfortable out on her back porch and are not shy about helping themselves. She lives in a very wooded area and the raccoons and opossums are all over the place. Charlene has even said she has seen wild boars on her property too. We didn’t see any of those this time though.

The opossum. The pictures are kind of grainy and out of focus because we did not want to use the flash to scare them away and also we were shooting through the window. (Also, Larry took most of them. You can usually tell who takes the pictures just by looking at them).

The raccoon. After dinner, he washed his hands.

They were plenty of birds too. We saw some familiar faces that we have at home, but for the most part, the birds we saw were very different.

These critters are what we saw in Sugarland, near Houston. This is a black buzzard.

These buzzards were feasting on a squirrel.

This is a Brazos Bend red-shouldered hawk sitting in the tree.

We saw some very exotic Egyptian water birds that were new to all of us.

There were lots of Muscovy ducks all around.

Are you going in? I’ll go in if you do.

There were even more Mexican whistling ducks, also known as black bellied whistling ducks.

I fully expected to see lots of birds and lots of water birds, especially around the ponds. What I was NOT expecting to see was an alligator in these parts. This is in the middle of the suburbs, although the Brazos River is not too far from here. But we definitely did see an alligator. At first he was sunning himself and then he went out for a swim around the pond.

You just never know what you’re going see or where you are going to see it. That’s what makes things so interesting and so much fun.

Stay safe and stay well Everyone. ‘Til next time.

Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

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