A Special Blogger Award

I apologize for being so late in accepting this nomination from Yonnie, over at inhiscare753.  These past couple of weeks have been crazy busy, and I am just now able to respond to her gracious nomination for the Special Blogger Award.  Many thanks to you Yonnie.  I am very honored and flattered.  If you haven’t checked out Yonnie’s blog, you should stop by.  She is always full of positive inspiration and good tidings.

The Special Blogger Award is awarded to bloggers by bloggers because of something they did to make people feel loved, appreciated and special.  It is a big honor.  I had no idea my blog, “A Jeanne in the Kitchen” had such a positive impact on so many people.  I write mostly about food, and about living life both in and out of the kitchen.  Life is short.  Enjoy every moment while you can.  Tomorrow is never guaranteed to anyone, so live life for today.

Image result for about the special blogger award


1. Thank the blogger who nominated you (as above )

2. Answer the questions you are asked (if you’re comfortable doing so!)

3. Create 10 questions for the bloggers you’ve nominated.

4. Nominate at least 3 bloggers for the Special Blogger Award.

5. Comment on your nominees most recent blog post to let them know you’ve nominated.

6. Have fun!  This one is the most important one of all.  🙂


Questions (Newly Nominated):

1. How do you like them apples?

I love apples.  My favorites are galas, but I will eat them all.

2. Ask permission or forgiveness?

Neither really.  I act first and maybe ask for permission later, after the fact, but usually not.  I try my best to live a good, clean life and I do my best to follow the Golden Rule – Do unto others as you would have done unto you.  Hopefully this means I do not need much forgiveness.  Do I make mistakes?  Absolutely I do, and I always try to rectify them and correct them as soon as I can.  Am I perfect?  NO, NO, NO.  I am very flawed indeed, but I always do my best to do the right thing, even if the results don’t always reflect that.

3. If you had to guess an answer on a True or False test, which one would it be?

Depends on the question.

4. Which sense of the five is your keenest?

Does hindsight count?  I am a very tangible learner, so I would say my sense of touch.

5. Left or Right or Turn Back at a fork in the road?

Depends on what I am hoping to find.  Sometimes, you need to do a little bit of all of these in order to follow your path.

6. Top 3 Go To Karaoke Songs you nail while driving alone in the car?

I don’t think I really nail any song.  A lot of times, I make things up as I go.  🙂

7. Secret movie star or famous singer crush?

I have to choose just one?  There are so many.

8. Finish this sentence (don’t answer chair like Neil did): “I am, I cried to no one there not even the ……”

Tough one to answer.  I HATE to cry, even though sometimes it is the necessary thing to do.

9. If you be could be named after a color, which one would it be?

Well, it’s kind of a combination of colors and things really.  I have 3 favorite colors, blue, green and purple – the colors of the ocean.  So in honor of these I would like the name Oceana.

10. Last item on Your Bucket List?

My bucket list is never-ending.  I am always adding more and more things to it.  I have always said I want to do it all and see it all.  My plan is is to get as much done as I can and not worry about what I can’t get to.


It is always so difficult for me to come up with my own nominees because they are so many wonderful blogs, about so many different and fascinating topics.  I enjoy a lot of different subjects.  I love to learn and to grow.  Because I cannot nominate everyone, I will choose some bloggers who allow me to grow in new ways, and to meet new challenges with new ideas.

Thanks to all of you and for what you do.  You all help brighten things up in your own special ways.  You all are Special Bloggers.  Keep on doing what you do.


My Questions to All of You:

  1.  Who has had the biggest influence on helping you become who you are today?
  2. Do you have any hobbies?
  3. Where is your favorite place to visit?
  4. Are you adventurous?
  5. Are you more practical or romantic or a good blending of both?
  6. What inspires you?
  7. Do you prefer to rock the boat or go with the flow?
  8. Any regrets on this journey called life that you care to share?
  9. Would you call yourself religious, spiritual, a combination of both, or something different?
  10. If you could live anywhere in the world, or worlds unknown, would you, and where would you go?

Good luck to all of you.  I look forward to reading your answers.

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Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

39 thoughts on “A Special Blogger Award”

  1. Congratulations on your award! Reading your post I did notice something strange: the right side of the picture and text are blurred out, it’s white. I’m using Opera as a browser. I don’t know if that could be the issue or is it something WP?

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