Thoughts From the Kitchen Pros

My husband says I have been cooking too much lately, and we have to get through a lot of our leftovers before I start making more first-overs, so I thought it might be fun to try something else today.  I was doing a room purge, which I do about every 6 months or so, and I came across a cute little book I forgot about.  It is filled with fun kitchen quotes and sayings from some pretty famous chefs.  I thought it would be fun to share some of their thoughts about food and cooking with you all today, for a brief change of pace.


Some people like to paint pictures, or do gardening, or build a boat in the basement.  Other people get tremendous pleasure out of the kitchen, because cooking is just as creative and imaginative an activity as drawing or wood carving or music.  

~Julia Child~



Cookery is not chemistry.  It is an art.  It requires instinct and taste rather than exact measurements.

~ Marcel Boulestin,  from Petits et grande plats ~


I feel a recipe is only a theme, which an intelligent cook can play each time with a variation.

~ Madame Benoit~

Image result for madame benoit pictures


Even more than long hours in the kitchen, fine meals require ingenious organization and experience which is a pleasure to acquire.

~ Elizabeth David, from French Country Cooking~

Elizabeth David in her kitchen in Chelsea, c1956/7: ‘Books like hers were important to keeping a household in a faraway place.’


The secret of good cooking is first, having a love of it.  If you’re convinced cooking is drudgery, you’re never going to be good at it, and you might as well warm up something frozen.

~ James Beard~



The most indispensable ingredient of all good home cooking:  love for those you are cooking for

~ Sophia Loren~

Image result for sophia loren cooking pictures

Enjoy!  Bon Apetit! Desfruitas y Mangia!


Author: ajeanneinthekitchen

I have worked in the restaurant and catering industry for over 35 years. I attended 2 culinary schools in Southern California, and have a degree in culinary arts from the Southern California School of Culinary Arts, as well as a few other degrees in other areas. I love to cook and I love to feed people.

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